Blue Throat Trigger and Clowns


I was just curious if any of you know if I can add a Blue Throat Trigger (Male) to my 110 gal FOWLR tank. I currently have 2 large Perc Clown fish, and my Diamond Goby.
Let me know =)
I also plan on getting a Blue Hippo Tang one day as well.
Thanks for the help


Great! Now I have another question. Does a Juvi Blue Jaw Trigger already have it's blue mark on its jaw? I saw a Blue Jaw at a LFS, and it says it's MALE, but it totally looks female. It looks to be around 4-5 inches i think.
Oh, and that Trigger should get along with a Blue Hippo Tang correct?


New Member
i dont know if someone answered your question already but the bluejaw you saw was a female, i own a 4" male and he has the blue on his jaw and the yellow edges on the fins.


Yah, i found out that the LFS didn't know. I did see a MALE Blue Jaw at another LFS, but it was $80! But it is large. Oh, I did see like these White Spots, not like spots, but like some White sand on the fin?? Like 1 spec of sand in about 3 spots. Should i be concerned if i do purchase it? Is that Ick? Your advice is much appreciated


I don't know if the blue jaw is more or less aggressive than a niger trigger, but I had a niger trigger (4") in a 100G with 3 false percs, and the percs freaked out even though the trigger didn't "directly" bother them. When the trigger would swim near the percs, they would freak out and swim away.
I guess it just depends...