Blue Throat Trigger: Compatible Tank Mates?


I have decided to bring back my cardinal, as I find him boring and lacking personality. Once this happens I have been trying to figure out what a good replacement would be. I have always liked the look of Triggers, but thought they would get too large for my tank and would be too aggressive. I noticed the Blue Throat Trigger at SWF and it does confirm that it is aggressive, but also indicates it only grows to 3-4 inches, which I do not believe is too large for my 47 Gallon, and is reef safe.
If I added him, his fish mates would include 1 Coral Beauty and 2 Ocellaris Clowns. I also have zoos, anthelia, goniopora, and a BTA. I have a ton of LR, caves, crevaces, etc. Would the Blue Throat Trigger be an acceptable addition to my reef tank? I have also considered adding a Scarlet Hawkfish, and suspect 5 fish is probably the upper limit for this tank. If you think he would work out, tell me why...if you don't ... tell me why. I am always learning :)



Well-Known Member
Hmmm.... I don't know how accurate that info is. The doctor's site lists it as maxing out around 9 inches, and I've seen them at the 6 to 7 inch range before myself. I would put one in a 75 or more preferably a 90+. As for your 47g? Well, that depends. If you added a young specimen with the knowledge that you would HAVE to trade him in at some point, then I'd say Why Not. Otherwise, I'd suggest you leave him out of the equation and get your Scarlet hawk (a perching fish), and something else that is an open water swimmer but doesn't get so large. Anthias, maybe?


Active Member
Originally Posted by dutchswan http:///forum/thread/383682/blue-throat-trigger-compatible-tank-mates#post_3357597
They should state that fact :-/
What about a yellow tang...I have heard people say that 75G is the minimum for them, but would it work in my setup without having to trade out the adults for juvs?
Originally Posted by Gemmy
The size on SWF is the approximate size at the time of shipping.
IMO, a yellow tang would not be a good fit for your tank even as a juvi. You have a column tank and that provides more vertical swimming space as opposed to horizontal swimming space. Tangs need swimming space and it is recommended to have them in a longer tank to accommodate their needs.


also blue throat triggers can be very shy and hide all of the time only coming out when its time to eat, not all of them but more than any other trigger


Active Member
Maybe Mult. Clown goby's?
Probably get 3 in that tank, and 3 different species at that.
Also triggers need swiming room and read they can get 13"
niger triggers I read can get 11"


Well-Known Member
LOL No offense intended to you my friend, but if the OP wanted a TRIGGER, I don't think he's going to settle for a trio of Clown Gobys.
I could be wrong, of course, but.....
...nah. I'm not wrong.


I second the hawkfish suggestion. They are truly active, personality laden fish. My son calls mine "Secret Agent" because of the way he pops up out of everywhere like he is playing peekaboo.
They are not super docile, so would fit in long term when you clowns start getting a little territorial. I find mine helps to keep my killer clowns in line a bit, which is a good thing.


Active Member
For clarification, the "size" that SWF lists, is the approx. purchase size, not the max size. The main problem with the OP's 47gal, is it's dimensions, being considerably taller then most tanks, means it's not that long, and not really great for open water swimmers, as mentioned.