Blue throat trigger fish?


just curious if anyone has ever had one and i was just wanted some info on it. tank size/temperament? things like that. thanks :happyfish


i dont know anything about them....but what i do know is that the warriors are going to make the playoffs this year. Good to see someone with the right colors!!


blue throats need at least 75 gallons it gets to be about 9" if it is maintained right and they a moderate to take care of, my pet stores has one in there 75 it looks good :happyfish


Originally Posted by norcal
i dont know anything about them....but what i do know is that the warriors are going to make the playoffs this year. Good to see someone with the right colors!!

lol yup! It's Warriors time baby! good to see a fellow fan on the board.
Back to the fish does anyone know if they would eat a smaller fish in the tank? i have 2 damsels and 2 percula clowns in my tank. There's one at my LFS and it's so beautiful, also do they need feeder fish? or live fish to eat? thanks.


Sometimes it might feel liek chasing and maybe eating the damsels but there not oine fo the very agressive and they will eat live shrimp,frozen squid,and krill


I heard they are one of the lesser aggressive triggerfish, i've always love triggerfish but never paid much attention to them because i know they are like ticking timebombs at times. Would you take a chance mixing one whie they're are a couple damsels and a couple percula clowns in the tank? i also have a hawaiian spotted puffer/coral beauty and dot dash butterfly. They'll also eat frozen foods to right? like mysis shrimp and stuff like that?


yeah they will eat the frozen food you are chancing it with some of the fish but if i was you i would get the triger cause in one of my books it has a chart and it says caution with all them if the pet store has a big blue throat i would tell them to order a small one around 3 or 4 inches so it wont boss the other fish around you should be fine with that :happyfish


The one at my LFS isn't that big probaly around 3 inches or so. He was in a tank with a yellow tang and the yellow tang was punking him so they had to take the trigger out lol. I was just thinking to take out the smaller fish but i like my clowns. Do you have to feed them live food? or would frozen meaty foods get by?


what about a niger trigger? i also saw one there and i see its your fav fish. any info on those?


yeah i have a niger my self which i bought today i had one wih my recttangular trigger but the rectangular kille dhim so i bought a bigger niger and there doing great and a niger would probably be your best bet they say those are the best trigger to put with other fish cause they arent agressive to other fish so take the niger and when they get bigger there so nice you see there red teeth and the stripes on there face :happyfish


I have a small(2-3") Blue throat in my 55G and she is doing great so far. had it about a month. My maroon still bullys it and steals food from it...its pretty funny...mine is very timid and always out swimming around the tank. Hasn't bothered any of my fish, shrimp or hermits... although when I have the silversides on the feederstick for the eel she likes to steal them off! All in all..great little fish with lots of personality...


Originally Posted by norcal
i dont know anything about them....but what i do know is that the warriors are going to make the playoffs this year. Good to see someone with the right colors!!
YAYUHHH another WARRIORS FAN on the SITE, warriors going for sure next year !! :cheer: