Blue throat Trigger getting skinny please help!!!!


New Member
My blue throat trigger is getting skinny on the top and somewhat bottom. My clown had this and died. I have no idea what it is, maybe some kind of internal parasite???? It eats then spits it out nothing like it use to eat. But other then that its acting normal.


welcome to the boards, and if you could post a picture, and all your test levels and salinity that will help us identify whats wrong with him


Welcome to the boards!! What are you feeding him? Have you seen him defecate? If so, what does it look like? Please post your readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH, SG, and temp. How old is this system and how long have you had him?


New Member
silver sides, krill, marine cuisine. the salinity is 1.021 and we have had the system for a around 10 months at least. Ive been soaking the food in garlic too.


New Member
we actually just ran out of the test kit but we are checking tomorrow morning. taking it in to a store. we have had the trigger for about 2 months now or close to that. I also have not seen him defecate, actually have never seen him, hes sneaky. the tempature is about 79 to 80 and the salinity is 1.021