Blue throat trigger


New Member
What are the minimum tank requirments, are they hardy and what are some possible tankmates?


I have an interest in this fish as well. One of the LFS said that this fish was agressive and could not be in the same tank as my tangs. However at the same LFS a different employee looked it up in a marine fish book and said that it was the least aggressive of the triggers and could be added to a tank with tangs. Also on they list the fish as Widely considerd the only reef safe Triggerfish. So it will be interesting to see how this thread turns out. I've seen those fish in action and they are awesome.


I have a 6" blue throat. I too read that marine fish handbook. He has not bothered any coral or inverts. BUT it has eaten 2 banggai's, a royal gramma and a bi-color angel

He has a ton of personality I cant get rid of him. The fish he has not bothered are a 6 line wrasse, golden head sleeper goby and a tomato clown( who never leaves his BTA.)
The blue throat will spit water at me if im working on the tank and not feeding him. He has bite me twice, doesnt hurt.
Other than that


I cant say having never own an eel. Generally triggers leave eels alone. seeing how eels are long there is alot of chance for the trig to take a bite. But dont take my word for it.


Active Member
Blue throats are reasonably hardy as well as you get a healthy specimen. Many times, they like to hide and can be extremely shy, not coming out to eat.
They are reef friendly and will work with most fish. It will go fine in the 75 with the zebra for some time. All triggers will outgrow a 75 over time, though.
Min. tank size would be a 75 to 90, but preferably a 125 minimum.


New Member
They are very hardy. I have had mine for about a year in my 90g. He does not bother any of my fish or inverts including shrimp.


My Blue throat is in with a conger eel, dog face puffer, some chromis, and a fox face. he is awesome and doe'snt bother anyone, i have had niger's and huma's and like him the best.


Active Member
The blue throat as well as the niger triggers are the two best candidates for hardiness and compatability in a reef enviroment, however in some instance's you will get one with a unique personality that has agressive tendancies.