Blue Throat Triggers


Supposedly these are the only classified REEF SAFE triggers. My first question is does anyone on here have one WITH CORALS? I am interested in getting one in the future, I have a few corals now and plan on getting a few select more in the future.
I have right now:
Yellow Tang 3-4"
Blue Line Tang 3-4"
Two spotted bristletooth tang 3-4"
Clown 1-1.5"
2 yellow blue tailed damsels 1"
1 Blue fin Pygmy Angel.
3 Brittle stars
hermit crabs
Star polyps
couple Leathers
few Zoos
Carpet Anemone
Curly Q anemone
Want to know what you peeps think......
Also couldnt find anything about them breeding in captivity(as in if there where a pair in aquarium)


Active Member
My 1st question would be how big of a tank? The list already has 3 descent size fish, and the blue throat gets around 6-7", if I remember correctly.
I did have a blue throat in my old 80 gallon reef for several months. He never bothered anyone, not even inverts. I lost him when I removed the top overnight when I was working on the tank. I decided to finish in the morning, and he decided to jump that night. So I would also recomend keeping the top secure.


Active Member
Ohh, I'm glad you posted this!
I've been thinking about getting a Trigger, too.
I want to eventually turn this 72 I have into a Reef, but I don't think my tank is large enough.


New Member
they will eat snails, shrimp, hermits, and pick on small non-aggressive fish. I have a female in my fish only tank and she eats all of the above as well as fighting on her own against
3 niger triggers
1 dogface puffer
1 humu humu trigger
1 undulated trigger
1 cat shark
and a corey grouper
at your own risk kind of thing. I don't believe they will eat the corals themselves