blue throat triggers


Hi, does anyone have one of these, I would like to see a pic of one in a fowlr setting. Just lost my pink tail of 14 years and looking for something different, memories, sniff, thanks in advance


New Member
Well , I should have one by Wednesday, I ordered a male off this site. This is my first on-line order. I hope it goes well. I had a clown for 5 years that I lost. If all goes well, I can post a pic. soon.


thanks, I thought more people had these. I have been debating between this and a black hawaiin as I have some soft coral, thanks


I do not have pic's but I do have bluethroats, I have had my pinktail for 3 years now, my pinktail is a character, but that could be the difference in maturity.
I would say go the Black Durgon ("black hawaiin") if you liked the pinktail, that was my first choice (Black Durgon) 3 years ago, I went to pick it up and it jumped the night before, that is how I ended up with the Pinktail......


How do the pink tail and the blue throat get along? My pink tail was a big baby, never bothered anything. She was with a Queen Angel and a Picasso trigger for about 8 years, once the pecking order was decided of course.


I have no problem with the combo, my Pinktail has been very tolerable over the years. I can keep urchins, stars & hermits with my pinktail, it will eat snails though. I do have problems now and than with my pinktail & filefish, I think it all depends on what side of the bed they wake up on.


I also was wondering how the pink tail gets along, (actually any others that anyone could suggest).
However, I would like to get a trigger, but I have:
2 percs
six line
coral beauty
No shrimp (or as any trigger would say "lunch")
but I do have brittle star and various snails and hermits


Active Member
pinktail is the calmest trigger i've ever had. the bluejaw/bluethroat is definitely reef ready. as far as how the two get along i'm not sure. i have a pinktail, a humu and a big yellow rabbit along with a yellow or mimic tang. they all hang out together peaceably with some damsels and a couple firefish. this is my weirdest tank yet. :thinking:

bad venom

New Member
I have a Blue Throat with 2 percs, some tangs and they get along great no problems.
In my 90gal FOWLR I'll get you some pics tonight. I would like to get a humu trigger, but I don't know its ok to put with another trigger and percs. :notsure:


Active Member
I posted a pic of my blue throat in the disease and treatment forum but he died last week. He was in QT and had lympho. I felt bad cause it was my fault for not watching the PH close enough and it pretty much crashed on me. It's a real beautiful fish and very sociable.


Here are some pics of my Blue throat and tank. I am battling some green hair algae but I have had my blue throat for about a week and looks great.



I introduced them at the same time 6 months ago. They pretty much leave each other alone but evey once in awhile they will chase each other around. They dont hurt each other its good cardio for them.


Active Member
The blue throat I had passed away due to he already had lympho and I mistakenly let the PH get out of hand and he jumped out.
I have a bigger QT now and just purchased a Hawaiian Black trigger (Melicthys niger, same latin name as the Pinktail trigger). This is not the same Niger (Odonus niger) as you are talking about. The Odonus is less reef safe and more agressive than the Melicthys. The Melicthys also doesn't grow as large. If you haven't bought one yet you might take a look at the Hawaiian black although they are much more rare.


nice pics bad venom, still undecided on blue throat or black hawaiin, both are awesome! just want something as passive as my pink tail was, but after 14 years want something different. it's a crap shoot with triggers though!

bad venom

New Member
Hey I know what you mean about the triggers, Sorry about your pink tail. I know you'll find something its a hard decision they are both awsome fish like you said. Let me know how you made out.