blue tipped Anemone


New Member
I purchased a Sebae Clown with a Long tentacle Anemone and the Clown loved it, he would not leave it.Unfortunately, the Anemone got stuck in my intake for my powerhead. (I will never make that mistake again, I put a sponge in it). So I purchased a Purple tipped Sebae Anemone. How long do u guys think it will take for the Clown to get attached to the Anemone? I had the Anemone for about 4 hrs now and the Clown is not goin near it.


Thats all up to the clown, just because the anemone is there, that still doesnt guarentee the clown will like the anemone or that the anemone will like the clown. Only time will tell


the clown may not take to it. sometimes the are fussy. i had a clown that left his anemoe that he was bought with after beput into my tank. he took up residence in some anelia further up into the tank that the anemoe settled in


it need some time
but my suggestion:
take the anemone back to the store and DON'T get another anemone
just forget about it


New Member
My clowns took less than a week to find themselves their anemone in the tank. Though I heard it can take up to a month. At one of the LFS's I was told you can get a Turkey baster and suck up some food and try to coax the clown to the anemone. Now whether this works, is beyond me since I havent had to try it.