BlueBerry Gorgonian!!!!!!!!!!


Well my lfs closed on friday
(due to the internet) but they did tell me about a fish store that wasnt as good as them but still good.... well anyways i went there today and THEY ARE GREAT :joy: but very costly
they have so many great things and the two things i have been looking for everyware blueberry Gorgonian and cats eye snails :jumping: what a good day here are some pics of my new things and just my tank



Wow!! You really got lucky!! It's GORGEOUS!!

I've been looking for one of those as well and no one seems to have them or even know what I am talking about!

How much did the blueberry gorgonian set you back?


Originally Posted by xokarmaxo
Wow!! You really got lucky!! It's GORGEOUS!!

I've been looking for one of those as well and no one seems to have them or even know what I am talking about!

How much did the blueberry gorgonian set you back?

well like i said this new place costs alot more so i prob paid to much for it but i love it $

if you take a drive to Framingham MA they have many of them i think they deliver too send me an email at
Okay, I'm going to agree with your original LFS when they said the other wasnt as good as them. If they sold you a Blueberry especially at that price they are not a good LFS. The Blueberry will not live in captivity for longer than it takes it to starve to death. I know from experience, there have been researchers who have tried as well and have not been able to successfully keep these. So sorry to burst your bubble but I am hoping you will question any other purchases from this LFS until you research them.


Originally Posted by Dragonladylea
Okay, I'm going to agree with your original LFS when they said the other wasnt as good as them. If they sold you a Blueberry especially at that price they are not a good LFS. The Blueberry will not live in captivity for longer than it takes it to starve to death. I know from experience, there have been researchers who have tried as well and have not been able to successfully keep these. So sorry to burst your bubble but I am hoping you will question any other purchases from this LFS until you research them.
......................i know i paid to much for it but its my mon ey and i will spent how ever i want too........ and i have heard of people keeping them just fine and i did research them THANK YOU :)
I was not flaming you in anyway just trying to help you out. I have done many hours of research on the Blueberry as have some MAJOR players in researching reef corals and no one has ever kept a blueberry alive longer than a year. I am sorry you are taking this as a slam against you it wasnt meant to be at all. There is no know food source available for this coral at this time and the water flow seems to be an issue as well. Maybe you will be the one to discover what to feed it but so far everything that has been tried has failed. I personally hope that we as responsible reefers can stop the harvesting of these poor animals until someone can figure out there needs.


Active Member
omgosh! that fish store robbed you big time! I paid $30 for a blueberry twice that size. looks nice though.


Originally Posted by GreyMach
how much did he pay?
enough sick of people telling me what i already know......and i am here...


its my own word. i think you can figure out what it means just by seeing what context i used it in. Also i think it should be added to the dictionary.