blueface angelfish


I purchased a blueface angel about a month ago. He is about 6 to 7 inches. He barely eats. all he ate so far was some spong and some silverside.What should i do?


Active Member
Adult blue's are sometimes hard to acclimate. That's what I've heard anyway since I myself have angels(emperor and majestic as well as bi-color and coral beauty) but have never had a blueface. They are quite beautiful. I purchased my enperor as an adult and after 1 week he's eaten really well. I feed him nori, mysis and brine shrimp, angel formula and spectrum. All soaked in selcon and garlic extreme. I'd definately try the nori. What other fish is he in with? What size tank? How established is the tank? It's qutie unusual that he is not eating better after 1 month and may be experiencing harassment especially if in w/ trigger(s). Let us know more info. so we can help. Good luck w/ this great looking fish.


I have Juv Blue Face. He is a very shy fish and I often have difficulty getting food to him. Is yours simply not eating any and not interested or is it not going over to the food if you know what I mean. To get my to start eating I had to tie some nori to a rock and put it in his cave. So far mine is eating Nori, Spirilina(sp), Marine green dinner, mysis shrimp and Julian Spring sea vegies. I'm having trouble feeding it mega marine angel formulae because the stuff floats and he is too shy to reach the surface, anyone have any ideas on how to get this stuff to sink.


The blueface is in a 240 gallon tank and with a emperor angel, passer angel, personifer angel, and a french angelfish. I have kept many angels since i started . I have a subadult blueface in my little tank and he is doin fine. I also have a blueline triggerfish and a niger triggerfish. None of the angel fish go after him nor the triggerfish do.