Blueface,imperial,majestic? which one

I was wondering which one should I get, of course the most Hardy and not shy. From the looks I really like the blueface. but I have been hearing the imperial is the most hardy. Of course the Majestic doesn't need a face life so no worry about it when purchase young.
Any thoughts which one ..??
thank you for the info
Currently have a 180 tank with the only aggressive fish being the niger trigger and even he doesn't bother the small fishes.


If it were me I would get an emporer they are one of the coolest large angels ever, blue faces and majestics are neat but to me they dont just pop out at you like an emporer does to myself.


Active Member
majestics tend to be shy. i like the imperators better than the blue face but either is a sweet fish just be real careful in getting a healthy fish imperators seem to be prone to lymph (those cotton looking spots on there fins) if you have a llfs that has them let them hold them for a couple weeks to see how they did in transit before you buy one. and from what most people seem to be most successful with them is to get one in the 3-4 in range in the juvinial or transitioning stage


Active Member
Originally Posted by 3stripedamsel
Currently have a 180 tank
Well I have a 220 and was looking at possibly getting either a blue face or an imperial...I personally like the Imperator/Emporer...whatever.....very striking.
If you look at this site, I believe they qoute the Blueface as needing a 300 gallons but on the Drs. say they could survive in a 100.


New Member
get all 3, it can be done. i have a 2-3in majestic right now fully evolved in color, in my 55. not shy at all, actully pretty damn aggressive. acts just like a trigger because he was raised with my blueline, clown and piccasso all juveniles. i am moving him in with a blueface angel to my 150, then later im going to add a emperor.
thanks for the reply, No one likes the Majestic
Then I guess I am going to get 2 then and introduce them all at the same time. Emperor and blueface.
what are you guys feeding them? I am probably go 4 inch one.
Do they like seaweed or raw shrimp, squid, more info would greatly be appreciated.


Active Member
I vote majestic! I love the way they look plus they don't get huge so that's more room for other fish. I wouldn't add two large angels though, that's asking for trouble.

marine bio 101

Look at my avatar. Do I need to say which one I prefer. The emperor is the major reason I even took up this hobby.
They are awesome looking as both a juvi and an adult.
I also agree with petjunkie about having 2 large angels in the same tank. From everything that I have read that is not recommended. Especially 2 large angels that are very similar in color. IMO you could have an emperor and a dwarf angel that is totally different looking like a flame angel. You would just introduce the flame into the tank first and then the emperor.


I have a blue face for well over a year and it seems to get better looking each week, bought in full aldult colors, I feed it clams,mysis,scallops,small fresh shrimp,strips of fish,alge sheets,calamari.


Active Member
You can't go wrong with any of them. They are all fairly hardy if given good conditions. You don't say what all is in your tank other than the niger so knowing this might help.
I've kept a blue face in the past and now have a majestic. The Emp is pretty but pretty common in more tanks. I like the majestic for the color patterns but an adult blueface is a stunning fish. Majestics and blue faces can be shy however so keep this in mind.
Hi, good info guys.
I currently got a niger trigger, a few clowns, 3 stripe damsel (my favorite) and a wrasse.
I brought a (3 inch ) emperor now in QT with some prazipro. The shop still has a majestic at 3 inch but no blueface.
I will add a blueface after this QT with the Emperor.
I thought about adding both together, but now fund is limited need to get a good protein skimmer.
Thank you..please post if there you guys have info on your Angels.


Active Member
Something to keep in mind is that Emperors often do not make a full color change in captivity Many folks get them with visions of the gorgeous fish they see in photos of the wild reef, and then are disappointed when the fish grows into a less than spectacular adult. Not to say all do this, but it's common with this species.