Bluehead Wrasse


I bought one of these beutiful fish today. Its full of charactor and eats like a horse! AND THIS IS ONLY DAY ONE!


my lord...ur in for such a rude awakening. AND a tank crash. A bird wrasse, a snowflake eel and a trigger, in a 55 gallon tank with a hang on filter (wiht a sponge) ONE piece of liverock, and a heater, am i correct? If you know whats good for you, and you dont want to go trhough the pain and suffering of having yer tan crash and all yer money and..."harwork", go down the drain, yer seriously gonna have to email me so i can help you out, or u can be ignorant and not listen to anything im trying to help you with... this hobby isnt just "trhow in some fish and watch em be happy", nope, not at all


Active Member
nickfish, didn't you just say yesterday you bought a niger triggerfish??? I don't mean to flame you, but you really should give your tank time to cope with the new bioload of the new fish, and layoff buying another for a few weeks. It seems you need to take a few breaths and slow down and enjoy your tank as it is


The filter is an aquaclear 500. It has a penguin 170 running along with it. About half the sand bed is from an existing tank.


Dude, you are SOOOOO think, that doesnt MATTER. Ya know waht, im gonna let this happen, cuz yer not cooperating. Obviously yer not here to get help, yer just here to...i dunno, be annoying. Ill give you three weeks at the MOST b4 yer tank is utterly destroyed, live sand and hang on filter WITH a spnge of course, dont matter. Ill be waiting for yer post my man. I tryed helping, but no im just gonna sit back and laugh at u. Sorry:nope: