Bluejaw Trigger HELP!


OK I finally got my favorite fish, the hawaii male bluejaw trigger. Words cant describe how good this fish looks. But my Naso Tang who is a lot smaller than the Bluejaw will not stop following and beating the bluejaw with its tail knife. Im afraid the naso is going to kill it. What should I do? I have no idea how to stop my little naso from attacking the bluejaw.


OK I have a big bucket that I mix my water in that I will use to keep the Naso. How long should I keep the naso away from the tank for?


Active Member
Feed them... That will sometimes stop agression. Make sure the trigger has plenty of places to hide.


OK heres what my plan is.
Im going to mix up a bunch of saltwater and do a water change, then keep the old water and place it in a huge bin. Then Im going to try and catch the Naso and place him in the bin and keep him there for about 12 hours. I think I read somewhere that most fish have a emmory of about 12 hours so when I place him back in the tank, hopefully hes not so aggressive.
What deos everyone think about that approach?

tony detroit

Active Member
-Take all the rocks out.
-Put them all in buckets.
-Put each fish in its own bucket.
-Do a water change.
-Rearrange aquascaping.
-Acclimate fish
-Add all your fish, starting with the smallest or most likely to break out with ich first.
-Then add the rest.
-Kill the lighting after everything is in. Do not feed or do anything. Wait til next day. Good luck, worked for me with tang vs. tang agression like a charm.


Thanks Tony, Im going to try that this morning!
How long should I keep the fish out of the tank?


Well it didnt work, the tang was fine in the main tank again for about 5 hours, then went back to his old antics of torturing my new trigger.
Its a no brainer at this point, looks like I have to get rid of the naso tang. I really like this fish too.


That's a pretty cool method tony.
Do you have enough cover for the fish.


Man, that's too bad with the Naso... I have one in a reef tank with lots of fish and even a niger trigger and he has always been really tame... Anyhow, I hope it works out. I guess you'll keep the one you really like the most if they can't sort it out. Does your trigger look scratched or has rapid breathing all the time? Also, is he dishing it back to the tang or just taking it? Probably will get sick and tired of it and fight back then, well?