bluespot jawfish


Active Member
They like to jump out of the tank. They get startled when the lights go out and tend to jump. They like a deep sand bed with pieces of rubble to build a home and they like to hide.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peckhead
any info on this guy before i spend 200$ on it?
I know Fedel Castro and coraljunky have them. My LFS had several of them for sale for $125 and they were gone in a week. Beautiful fish and I love Jawfish, but my tank is now bare-bottom.
I have had yellowheads in the past and those are fairly comical. Having more than 1 in a tank was allways entertainment. There was a constant battle over small shells or rocks. Sometimes heated battle but mostly a diplay of who had the biggest mouth.

Kinda like my Mother-in-Law.


Active Member
I was thinking about doing a tank with a DSB, just few pieces of LR and, depending on the tank size, just jawfish. Probably not bule-spots though, some type at a lower cost. Maybe a 65gl with 10-15 yellowheads.
$200 seems kind of high for one though.


Active Member
IMO, $200 is a bit steep. I have seen them local for $90-$120. I'd look around a bit more before sinking $200.


I agree with everyone here, $200 is way overpriced. I used to work at a LFS and I never charged more than $120. And trust me when I say even that was a lot...the stores cost for getting it was only $40. But because of the demand...


Active Member
Originally Posted by peckhead
i heard that it is illegal too capture them or something? true or false?
Hmmmm. Not too sure about that. I believe they are Mexican residents. So they might be considered as "illegals" if transported incorrectly.
Sorry, a little poor political humor.....The writers are on strike now....I'm scabbing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peckhead
i heard that it is illegal too capture them or something? true or false?
I'd have to say no, otherwise you wouldn't see any in the trade. Could be illegal from certain areas but as a whole no.


Active Member
Originally Posted by S_Holman33
I agree with everyone here, $200 is way overpriced. I used to work at a LFS and I never charged more than $120. And trust me when I say even that was a lot...the stores cost for getting it was only $40. But because of the demand...

Having collected Yellowheads in The Keys, I can tell you that Jawfish are one the easiest fish to catch.


Active Member
I have had a couple jawfish over the years (have them in my fuge atm) and IMO no, not really. When they are in the process of making their burrows they are good at moving sand but once they are settled in they tend to move more rock then sand. They don't sift sand for food, mine tend to eat mysis and what I feed my other fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peckhead
are they good sand sifters?
Not like gobies. Jawfish move/dig sand-rock to create a burrow. They are not in the habit of picking up sand and sifting it through their gills like the bigger gobies do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peckhead
any info on this guy before i spend 200$ on it?
Plan on a completly enclosed tank, they can slip through the smallest hole and die. Also Ive got my yellowhead in a 3-1/2 Inch deep sandbed. I wouldnt go any less than that. They like to dig, alot. U will need sturdy base rock under the sand to support his tunnels and the rocks above. They like to make a mess of your sand bed. They dont like fast moving fish, if u have any u will never see it. They are very shy.
Anything else u can check my jawfish tank thread, I might have posted something useful there.