Bluestreak cleaner wrasse


New Member
Hi Everyone,
I am asking a question about the Wrasse because my fish store just sold me one. I had gone there asking about my Damsels that have just contracted ich and he told me to throw a cleaner wrasse in there to clean up the ich. I was just looking up online and it says they are hard ot keep in captivity. Can anyone give me suggestions on keeping a cleaner wrasse in captivity.
Thank You Harley79

pastor b.

Dear idiot, It's true that Cleaner Wrasses are very difficult to keep. However there are people in this hobby who have managed to keep theirs alive,and I'm one of them. I've had mine for almost 3 years now. What's the secret ? Well for me I'd have to say water quality. Cleaner wrasses main diet consist of parasites like ick ,and even dead skin from your fish,and sometimes, that's not enough. My Cleaner wrasse also eats brine shrimp, formula 1,mysis shrimp, and I've even seen it eat krill
. I hope that you get a good one.


New Member
Thank you Pastor B.,
Can you advise me on some type of feeding schedule for the Wrasse and anyother tips that I might need. He is beautiful and i don't want to lose him.

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist, Cleaner wrasses eat whenever you feed your other fish,they don't need a special schedule at all. In fact, when Cleaner wrasses are full,they can be quite a nuisance, sometimes,mine will follow after the other fish just to harass them,and end up getting chased away
, and just before bedtime, it will find its hiding spot, and you won't see it until the next day


Ive had one for long time. He love to eat! anything I throw in he eats! I was told that it helps to have big fish for him to eat dead skin and possible parasites. Hope it works out for you.

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist,as I went to go feed my fish 5 minutes ago,I couldn't find my my ckeaner wrasse,so i looked behind my aquarium from right to left,and on the left side was my cleaner wrasse,dried up ,behind the aquarium with its mouth open
. Looks like I'll have to buy another fish .


New Member
Oh My God that is murphey's law for ya. I can't believe that I am so sorry to hear it.

Let us know how you make out when you get a new fish.
In sympathy harley79