Bo, Wolf Eel


Active Member
Bo, you mentioned a while back you were considering a wolf eel. Just wanted to let you know that Jim over at Aquarium Fantasies has two in right now. They've been there for a couple of weeks are look healthy. I got mine from him at four inches and now he's over a foot. Probably the most "aggressive" animal I have.


Active Member
Mike, I saw both of those last week. Very cool. Unfortunately, other circumstances forced my to break down my two larger tanks, so I'll I'm left with right now is a 20g nano, and a 38g which is empty right now. Bo


Active Member
Yeah, I gave her to Gordon and he said she went to a good guy. I've just got so much stuff going on, it was just too hard to maintain more than two small tanks. Bo

billy ocean

I just bought the large red one. I wanted the green one but the red one was way bigger. It started eating immediately.