board - pics of my 55 reef


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Nice tank
. Is that one giant rock in there?
no, but i do have one large rock on the right side. here is what it looked like when i first set it up ...


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Wow, what a difference!
It's always fun to see a before and after picture.
yea, just a little differant...


Originally Posted by steve24
wow, thanks everybody

i have a hard time getting a good full tank shot but here is the best one i got ...

and since you like color here are two more, this first is my favorite coral ...

WOW That black live sand really show nice and awsome tank. It really does show the coral contrast of the red, pink color from the sand. Especially in the first picture.
Great Job



Active Member
Originally Posted by GhettoTang
WOW That black live sand really show nice and awsome tank. It really does show the coral contrast of the red, pink color from the sand. Especially in the first picture.
Great Job

yea, i think if or when i set up another tank i`ll use the black sand again to


Active Member
i don`t really remember for sure, but i do know i have about 90-95 lbs.
roughly half Lalo and i think the other half was Melanesian LR...


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
that brain really pops under the actinics, looks cool.
that brain is the most neon green i`ve seen, as soon as i seen it at the lfs i knew i was gonna buy it


what kind of lighting do you have on it?
im trying to see what i can have in my 55.
also, do you lean the rock on the back glass of the tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by butters
what kind of lighting do you have on it?
im trying to see what i can have in my 55.
also, do you lean the rock on the back glass of the tank?
i have the Aquatinics T5 ... 5-54w lights...
there are just a few rocks resting on the back glass ...


Active Member
just wanted to thank everyone for their comment and questions

they all make it worth my while, thanks again


Active Member
steve you arent fading anywhere!
please stop posting tank pics... you are making the rest of us look bad! lol. Your tank is beautiful and flourishing.
Anything else you are going to put in there? or would you say you are 'done'
(warning: the definition of 'done' is yet to be properly determined)

Keep up the work. Ill continue to PM you on a weekly/Monthly basis about your dendros and duncans! Im such a stalker.

Happy reefing


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shrimpi
steve you arent fading anywhere!
please stop posting tank pics... you are making the rest of us look bad! lol. Your tank is beautiful and flourishing.
Anything else you are going to put in there? or would you say you are 'done'
(warning: the definition of 'done' is yet to be properly determined)

Keep up the work. Ill continue to PM you on a weekly/Monthly basis about your dendros and duncans! Im such a stalker.

Happy reefing
thanks Jessica/Shrimpi,
i would like to get either some tubs blue zoas or there is another pretty blue zoa i would like, that or a nice clam (blue) i think i need some blue in my tank.
"Im such a stalker."
stalk all you want i don`t mind at all


Active Member
Damn, I had to put my sunglasses on to look at the brain. I love the shot of the blastomussa and the candy cane in the background with its' tenticles out.
Very nice colors.
