Bogus amonia test??


I have read here on a couple of places that some of hte more generic test kits will show very low levels of amonia when in fact there is no amonia. My tank has been at .25 for about a week now after peaking and coming down to that. My nitrites are 0, PH = 8.2, Nitrates = 10
I have a salifert kit on the way from SWF. Think I can add a snail now to start dealing with my hair algae? It's a 55g


Active Member
What kind of test are you using? I don't know about generic, but Aquarium Pharmecuticals and one other I know have had a problem with the .25 constant reading.


I also use Aquarium Pharmaceutical test kit and even my fresh tap water shows the ammonia at 0.25.


Active Member
Tap water has a habit of showing ammonia at times, have you tested any RO/DI water with this test kit?


I ordered an RO unit today for future water changes.. got the Captive PUrity compact 35gpd model. Can't wait to play with my new toy, but will put this test kit to the test when I get it if nothing else. I'm going to add a snail or two tomorrow to start working on my algea that is blooming as my cycle finishes.


I haven't tried the test on RO water yet-I am just in the process of getting a unit. I only tried the frest tap water because I always was getting a 0.25 reading on my tank water. I made the BIG mistake of using tap water to start my tank and now am trying to get a RO unit. My tank has done a total crash on me (lost everything) and so I am starting again. My ammonia level is still off the chart and I have added NitroMax and detox 2 chips to my filters but still can't get my ammonia level down. I have to wait for everything to recycle before I can do anything!