Boiling my LR


Let me know what works.... I have a simliar problem except mine are spread all over the tank... not as condensed as yours. I have tried Ca... I have tried peppermints... but to no avail... and now it is starting in my other tank. Let me know if you find a cure


Active Member
2 words. More Shrimp!
The ones you have are more than likely eating some. The small ones that is. They will eat the small ones first and then go after the larger ones. It takes a while. The problem is these things reproduce FAST! so, it looks like none are missing.
Depending on the tank size, I would add LOTS! and LOTS!
Just my opinion though. I had a problem in my 180. I added 25 in there and never saw it again. Most all shrim eventually died off. When the tank was sold there were only 6 left but, I had no more apstasia in my tank.
Good Luck
P.S. I think boiling the rock is a bad idea. Why pay that much for rock just to kill it? Might as well repalce the infested rock and give the other piece to someone who wants it.


My friend has an infestation of these and he somehow manages to keep them from growing at all... So he has a few but they don't increase in numbers. I'll ask how he does it... just a sec... ICQ...
BHAV_88 (8:18 PM) :
How do you manage to keep your aptaisia anemonies from growing in your tank?
TiJiL (8:19 PM) :
I do not know. Invisible peppermint shrimp.
There you have it.
Sorry I was not more specific on the post, I just copied it from another thread. What I was referencing was an aiptasia eating nudibranch that they sell on that site. There are no pictures and I don't know anything about it, just remembered seeing it listed.
Home Page:
* Aiptasia Eating Nudibranch $19.99 * page:
Scroll down to about the middle of the page to see the nudibranch listing. Maybe you could call them and see if this would help you.
Good Luck


Active Member
I would not boil live rock.
If this was happening to my tank - I would set up a Rubbermaid container with saltwater.
Add heater and powerhead ~ let run a day or two to get to temperature and check salinity.
Then I'd remove the few larger pieces of live rock that contain the most aptasia - and place them in this treatement container.
Then inject them with a thick kalk slurry paste - they will die.
After a few days when you see that they are dead - do a 100% water change on this treatement tank.
Let it sit for a day or so afterwards.
Check this container for ammonia/nitrite.
If it reads zero - place back into the display tank.
Add some more peppermint shrimp to the display as well - to get any of the smaller ones.
If you have a few large ones IN the display tank - you can treat them with the kalk injections too - but don't do too many at once.
The addition of pure kalk paste into an established display tank should be done with caution. Very high pH caustic stuff - ya know.


Hey lazyboy I feel for you. I have they same problem. I use to be as bad as yours but now I got it under control (somewhat). And my pepermints don't do jack either. what DOES work is get some Kent turbo-calcium mix alot of it in a little bit of water and mix it up. It will get really really hot. suck it up into a seringe and squirt them with it. It's like napalm!! but becarefull it will kill just about anything you squrit. and watch that LTA mine took off when I started bombing, but i think i clipped him. Let us know how it goes


Hey lazyboy I feel for you. I have they same problem. I use to be as bad as yours but now I got it under control (somewhat). And my pepermints don't do jack either. what DOES work is get some Kent turbo-calcium mix alot of it in a little bit of water and mix it up. It will get really really hot. suck it up into a seringe and squirt them with it. It's like napalm!! but becarefull it will kill just about anything you squrit. and watch that LTA mine took off when I started bombing, but i think i clipped him. Let us know how it goes


DO NOT PUT COPPER IN A REEF TANK. That is a bad idea. There are other, less risky methods of ridding your tank of aptasia.
I have found peppermint shrimp work, but may take a long time, depending on other things in the tank that they can eat.
The concentrated kalk works very well. You may have to try it 2 or 3 times though.
The copperband butterfly seems like a great idea, but I have no experience with it.
Good luck!


Active Member

Originally posted by tsw2117
the best way to kill a apt. is to rip it off the rock or to get some actual cleaner shrimp a coral banded shrimp may eat them or any other type of cleaner shrimp also you can inject it with some copper just be cautious not to use to much if it is a reef tank no more than half a teaspoon at a time any other questions email me at

ya it will prob kill the aiptasia, and everything else in the tank.. cooper a no no !!! bad advice as mentioned :rolleyes:


New Member
Thanks to everyone who took the time to help me out:) After thinking about it and reading all these posts, I am going to try broomer5 & j21kickster technics and see if i can these little suckers under control...I will keep everone updated! Thanks again to everyone...
Happy New Year


Active Member
I also read elegance and hydropora have stronger stings than apts. Put them next to them and burn them. It may take some time......


Active Member
Sounds like a bad problem......I had a few little ones once but the peppermint shrimp ate them. They were small when I had them. Now I can't keep peppermint shrimp due to predators. Think that I will place all live rock in a quarinteen tank for a month from now on after seeing your tank! Lesley


Active Member

Originally posted by j21kickster
did you guys realize you are giving advice on a thread that is 8 months old?:D

I wonder how it turned out? He said he'd post results...