Boiling tap water. ok?


hehe... yes
But i'm just a science dork anyway. So i do this stuff in my free time>... (stirling engines, thermodynamics, "DIY Inline Heater"


Active Member
most taps have heavy metals going throuhg I live in a city and if I used tap water it would not be good...I don't even trust drinking it.


Active Member
oh, and Hot water from the tap boils faster than cold water from the tap. But hot water form the tap boils slower than water that has been boiled, and then allowed to cool.
Here ya go!


Active Member
then i def know who to talk to now when it it comes to scientific problems , hey im old and i dont have to think that hard anymore lol


Hey im always open to questions. Granted im not always right and i dont always know the answer but if i know illl help. How old are you? I'm 19 and i know schools and curriculums have changed alot. I am an electrical engineering major but i pretty much do anything concerned wiht science that is interesting to me.


Active Member
I think so too.thats ok dont mind being wrong once in a while but if you go by this reply:
oh, and Hot water from the tap boils faster than cold water from the tap. But hot water form the tap boils slower than water that has been boiled, and then allowed to cool. i wasnt completely wrong


Active Member
:scared: 40
and getting older by the days and yes schooling has changed drasticly since my days .when i was a kids they taught us about astronauts going to the moon thes days they tell the kids it was a hoax and it never happened lol go figure


haha... Thank the conspiracy theorists for that, and saying that the holocaust didnt happen, and other things. I dont believe any of thier crap....
Schools have changed but the scary thing is that people arent getting smarter.
Cole's axiom: The sum of all inteligence on the planet is a constant. Population is growing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NYTrillium
Cole's axiom: The sum of all inteligence on the planet is a constant. Population is growing.
That is terrifying!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NYTrillium
haha... Thank the conspiracy theorists for that, and saying that the holocaust didnt happen, and other things. I dont believe any of thier crap....
Schools have changed but the scary thing is that people arent getting smarter.
Cole's axiom: The sum of all inteligence on the planet is a constant. Population is growing.
amen to that


I only speak from experience.
Kids that i went to school with and graduated around had no clue how things in the real world worked. They have no common sense, and no comprehension of the value of characher. They didnt understand what real life was, how to get a job, what happened after school, why you needed to go to school in the first place, and even how to cook/take care of themselves. They lack reliability, communication and social skills and morals and priorities are completely out of whack. Its scary that we have allowed ourselves to spoil our kids and pamper them to the point that they rely on others to support them. America, im sad to say, has become soft and i dont see a positive outcome. And we wonder why social security is going to be in the shitter in less than 10 years......
*Rant Over*


Active Member
What about using the Brita Filters? Can these be used if one cannot afford the RO/DI units?


all they would do is remove chlorine and heavy metals. they wouldnt do anything for nitrates/phosphates etc. All a brita filter is, is carbon.
Your just as well off using a water conditioner


Active Member
I don't want to start anything here. But I have been using "boiled water" for 2 years now. I have had no real problems except for the "invert" area. My fish are fine and very healthy but the inverts are another story.
Is it related to boiled water I don't reall know for sure. Snails don't seem to do real well, but since I have had the opportunity to have a CC star and a pin cushion urchin one thing I have observed is the lack of food our aquariums have for these critters.
Spot feeding my star was not very promising. I will never have another star due to this lack of "natural " food in my opinion. My urchin is now struggling too loosing needles like crazy. There again, when the water checks out fine you bang your head. But I know these guys love lots of coraline algea which I have some of but not alot of. I will now observe these beautiful creatures in their natural home the ocean or in the care of expert folks.
Hermit crabs, well they do good unless they get into a tug of war with each other. So after a break from them I now have 1 large one which is very fasinating to watch. There is enough for him to eat plus he gets some shrimp pellets his way and he sneaks some frozen foods from the lionfish too. I do not have a ton of algae in my tank at all. I have a bit on the back glass and I have not cleaned my front or sides for sometime now. There is just not enough there for these creatures and I feel horrible about trying to keep them when I do not have enought of the natural foods for them.
Another thing in my tank is my mushrooms, they are multiplying like crazy and doing very well. I will keep these types of corals but a bit leary about other types. Not going to spend money on expensive corals when the lighting is not perfect for them.
So this has been a learning curve for me all the way, I have found something that is working for me right now. Yes I have made some huge mistakes along the way and I know we all have.
When I boil my water I let it sit overnight, I then add my salt and add an airstone to each container and let that run for 24 hrs before I add this water to my tank.


Active Member
Why would you boil the water at all? It accomplishes nothing related to the saltwater hobby that I know of. All you are doing is evaporating some of the water.


Originally Posted by NYTrillium
I know we got a little off topic here... but I love being right
I think mystic got his answer though....
..zzzZZZZzzzz.....zzzzzzZZZZZZzzzz... hm? what? oh yeah, the water thing...zzzZZZZZzzzz... ;-)
Seriously I'd heard the old cold water boils faster than hot but I think my grandmother told me, not my science teacher ;-)