Boiling water WOOT!


Active Member
Well last night I saw 2 Aiptasias,and a Majano.....I boiled some RO water and asassinated the little SOBs. Worked great! no sign of them...other than the hermit crabs were over there....eating the carcass????? Anyway...just wanted to share my experience,because I know others have had problems with the same thing. This was the first try at it and I have not tried "over the counter remidies"..even though Ive heard good luck with certain products. Boiling water is pretty thats a plus.


Active Member
question ? after you boil the rock do you need to do anything to it or just let it cool and stick it back in the tank ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
What are the things you boild in RO water and why?
Let me clarify....I boiled water.....sucked it into a syringe....and then SLOWLY squirted it on 2 different types of pest anenomes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Oh, what can thos anemones do if you dont kill them?
they can spread rather rapidly and take over your tank....not a good thing.