Bone/Shell Yard


Active Member
What's the deal with all my empty shells ending up in one spot behind my rocks? They used to contain hermits which I can't seem to keep for some reason but I still have my snails and shrimp? Is it my peppermint piling them up after feasting on them?


Active Member
Is it in one spot because there is a graveyard like such under my CB shrimp's cave and my theory was hermits would go under there, find a new shell and get eaten while trying to change shells. Can't say I've even see a peppermint eat hermits, mine tried to eat nass. snails mostly.


might be where you curent is pulling empty shells since they are lighter. Thats what was happing with me the hermiots would kill a snail and the empty shell would walk the tank till it got back to the little graveyard and they stay there with the rest of them.


Active Member
I don't think I have a mantis. No clicks and my snails and shrimp are still alive. Not sure if the current is dragging them back there or if that's where the hermits were exchanging shells. Crossan, I don't know what the deal is with my peppermint. At first he was very scared and my cleaner put him in his place. That was 2 months ago, now my peppermint rules the tank. I have seen him eating my hermits and 8 went MIA. I suspect the peppermint and have since been feeding it every other day.


Originally Posted by earlybird
I don't think I have a mantis. No clicks and my snails and shrimp are still alive. Not sure if the current is dragging them back there or if that's where the hermits were exchanging shells. Crossan, I don't know what the deal is with my peppermint. At first he was very scared and my cleaner put him in his place. That was 2 months ago, now my peppermint rules the tank. I have seen him eating my hermits and 8 went MIA. I suspect the peppermint and have since been feeding it every other day.
Mine were pretty shy too, but not anymore! They chase my hand around, I have 5!!! I use to have 20 hermits, I have only 10 now. So sad...


I had peppermints that would actually eat out of my hand and clean my fingernails, lol............that is, unless i introduced a green brittle star to the tank. He's a death machine for ground dwellers.