Bonebrake's 24 Gal. JBJ Nano Cube!


Active Member
Originally Posted by captn bob
just a note to say what a great looking tank, I,m starting my 24 aquapod this weekend an can only hope that it will someday look that good ,how much lr&ls have you got in there?

I got 20 lbs. of live sand for a two inch sand bed and 50 lbs. of Fiji live rock. It took a long time to get the 50 lbs. of live rock in there, but I made it fit and still left a little sandbed and kept a one inch or greater zone around it so the magnet cleaner can get by.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NanoKid
hey bone i was wondering if ur clownfish ever get into your xenia? and by the way love ur tank

They have yet to host anything. In fact, they have never once swam through the caves. They are constantly in the open water. I have heard they are more likely to host when they get older, right now they are only about six months old and two inches long.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Laddy
Possible unidentified coral, maybe, Favia ? Can you describe it's features, or possibly a close up shot? Now I'm curious, never a good thing.
Good looking tank by the way
Genus Favia
does appear to be a possibility. The polyps appear to be smaller than all of the pictures I see. When I feed plankton, tentacles come out a few millimeters and I cannot even visualize the neon green mouth. It also eats anything. If I feed formula A, it eats the romaine lettuce, crab, lobster, plankton, mysis, even a stray strand of chaetomorpa
macroalgae that happens to land on it. The crazy part is, when I purchased it, there were polyps 360 degrees the entire way around it. I could not figure out a way to spare all of them so I placed it the best way I knew how and the ones on the very bottom in the sand died. It really makes me curious as to how it was oriented in the wild for it to have polyps on every surface.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Genus Favia does appear to be a possibility. The polyps appear to be smaller than all of the pictures I see. When I feed plankton, tentacles come out a few millimeters and I cannot even visualize the neon green mouth. It also eats anything. If I feed formula A, it eats the romaine lettuce, crab, lobster, plankton, mysis, even a stray strand of chaetomorpa macroalgae that happens to land on it. The crazy part is, when I purchased it, their were polyps 360 degrees the entire way around it. I could not figure out a way to spare all of them so I placed it the best way I knew how and the ones on the very bottom in the sand died. It really makes me curious as to how it was oriented in the wild for it to have polyps on every surface.
It's encrusting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Laddy
It's encrusting.
Definitely Favia genus, I saw some more pictures that look more like it. Thanks for the identification Laddy!


ooo u dont understand my clownfish. all the ones ive have bought died
. and now i have 2 firefish right now and i just want a little clown like urs that well live for atleast a week.all my water stuff ir right. the temp is at 79 so can some ppl give me suggestions y my clowns r doing this to me.


Nice Tank Bonebreak!!! I'm just wondering.... what's worse...liars or people with fast mouths.... LOL


I never knew the coral "blastomussa" existed until I saw a picture of it and written underneath it "blastomussa". .. i love that coral...specially the one you got. It looks very nice!! I got to get me one of thoseeeeee! Nice tank.


Active Member
Thanks Baskball!
Blastomussa merletti is actually a very cheap coral. Mine has about 20 polyps and you could probably score one the same size for $20.00.
However, Blastomussa wellsi
generally runs much higher and has much larger polyps. I have seen four gorgeous polyps for $80.00.


Heya Bone. Nice looking Cube, great work. I ordered one of those 24g nano DX from JBL but I had to send it back b/c it was messed up. Im deciding if I should order another one and try again. Was wondering, Is that the stock lighting that came with the tank? (2) 36 W PC's i beleive. If that lighting can support the stuff you have in there I think I will try to order another. Thanks, any info would be much apreciated.


Active Member
Stock lighting and ballast, but I replaced one of the 50/50s for a true actinic 03 36 watt. Therefore, right now I have (1) 36 watt JBJ 50/50 (50% 10,000K and 50% 7100 K blue) and (1) 36 watt true actinic 03.