bonnet heads



does anyone have info on bonnet- heads? like minimum tank size, compatability, and price?:confused:


yep They are constantly on the move to keep water over there gills to get oxygen, if the slow down they sink. They normally swim in segrigated groups.
Not really sure how large a tank you would need? or price. They sport fish them all the time.


Bonnetheads are relations to the hammerheads, obviously, but do not get nearly as large as their cousins. Maximum size for a bonnet is around 5 feet. They have a life span of around 8 years for the males and 12 years for the females. These guys are obligate ram-jet breathers, i.e. they must constantly move or they will drown. This fact alone means that they have to be kept in very large systems. Anything under 2000 gallons is way to small and the demensions are also very critical. They DO NOT do well in rectangular systems for any length of time. Inevitably they wind up with damage to their cephalofoils (technical term for the extensions on the head). I have a pup that is in an 18000 gallon pool that allows the animal max room to swim. If you don't have a system that is atleast 10 feet x 10 feet with rounded corners they will not last for their entire life and do not count on some public aquarium or private institution to want them, they won't.


The pool is only 4 1/2 feet deep. It is 25 feet x 18 feet. All corners have been rounded so that there are no suddens points to run into. I do snorkel when I have to do my monthly major cleanings. At this time I get in stir up the gravel, remove anything that shouldn't be in the pool, and just plain have fun. I do bi-weekly water changes of about 300 gallons. Since using salt mix can be very expensive, I use my own formualtion that is very easy to make. Luckily having worked at the aquarium helped my develop my homemade mix into something that works well. I use DI water from a filter that I bought from a lab supply company. They come to my house once a month to monitor the unit and change the media when needed, which is about every three months. I have a second 'pool' that is about 2100 gallons that is my qurantine system. Both pools keep me busy but are worth the work.
My Shark Pool