i thought the new marine aquarium by michael paletta, was well written for the beginner, it is IMO a very thorough in depth and easy to follow book, and helps in deciding which equipment and fish to purchase, and has a step by step guide on how to set up, and explains alot fo waht is going on, and i know of one person i have let read my copy who never did marine at all and another who was cc and ugf until they read it and they both were not affraid to take the dive(esp the cc situation, her lfs had her scared and conviced both about sw and anythign but cc, i know i talked to the guy and he was dumb enough to argue with me about everything, he even wanted to start a fight over false perculas, i asked if he could get some and he wanted to fight(and i mean fight, not claim, but fight, especially when his customers were listening), telling me they did not exist, i know how he is with his customers, he knows all and if he doesn't know it, it does not exist and. or if it isn't his it is NO good for a sw aquarium), but reading this book, they both switched(almost, she is right now, and he(the lfs) is not happy with me, but her and her husband have seen my tanks)
i don't know if you read this one, but i do like it for a beginners guide