Standard list of other books you may wish to concider:
Book of Coral Propagation, Volume 1: Reef Gardening for Aquarists - Anthony Rosario Calfo
Reef Fishes Volume 1 - Scott W. Michael
Corals: A Quick Reference Guide (Oceanographic Series) - Julian Sprung
A Commonsense Handbook for Successful Saltwater Hobbyists - Robert M. Fenner
The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide - Michael S. Paletta
Aquarium Corals : Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History - Eric H. Borneman
Natural Reef Aquariums: Simplified Approaches to Creating Living Saltwater Microcosms - John H. Tullock
Aquarium Corals by Eric H. Borneman,
Natural Reef Aquariums by John H. Tullock, Martin A. Moe
The New Marine Aquarium by Michael S. Paletta,
The Conscientious Marine Aquarist is a very good book to start with. I have heard that the Salwater for Dummies is kind of lame, haven't checked it out though but since your getting it use it as a start and like was said ask questions right here while your concidering your equipment and livestock and setup questions.