Booo on pets warehouse !!!


All, I find this to be rather disturbing. It seems as if you have been cheated or scammed that you have no right to voice your opinion on the company that is doing something wrong.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


<img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" /> <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />
That's so stupid!... that wasn't the most productive comment.. but all the people did was give a bad review! That's not illegal! :mad:
Stuff like that ticks me off.
this is the U.S.A., RIGHT?? OH NO! I hope i don't get sued now. thats the stupidest thing i've read in a long time(except for mr.bubbles crap)!


Note that it is PetSwarehouse (Pets in the plural) not Petwarehouse, that is involved in this litigation.


I go to thier store all the time. The place is very decent and the fish guys are helpful. I believe the origional threads about them came from a news group. Some members were upset about thier fresh water plant shipments and the fact that they had a lot of die-off. I think its to be expected when ordering online. To start a campain against them is a little too harsh in my opinion. However, petswarehouse's 15M law suit for slander is over the top as well. Maybe they realize it will not be won but the expenses for both sides might justify thier cause. Either way the damage has been done to them already just in the negative publicity.


I like there site and order my livestock from them, but that ticks me off that they sued someone for expressing there opinion on there crappy service.


hat just goes to show how un free the free world is <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />
Mt LFS is Pet Warehouse. I couldn't be more pleased with them. The staff is very knowledgeable. The owner has been in SW aquariums for 20+ years. All livestock I have purchased from them has been healthy. Their prices a okay...not internet prices but then no shipping involved. No guarantee stinks. So far I have no complaints with them.
If the suit is indeed with Pets Warehouse and not Pet Warehouse then the latter ought to be concerned. Bad rap for them.


Active Member
If cussing were appriote on this board I would be doing alot of it. I poersonally have never ordered from them. But this is more than enough to keep me from ever considering it. I could have swore that there was paper work in our nations capital that was written hundereds and hundreds of years ago that did in fact allow us to speak freely. I mean thats like going out to eat and getting crappy service and pour food, then complaing about and getting sued for doing it. I'm with Sammy, what the *#@& is going on?????????


Active Member
That just plain sucks.. That makes me like this place even more!!! I have read a couple of comments stating "This place sucks" or "bad live rock". The moderators have let it slide and so has and their getting Flammed on their own site!!!!!
I for one will never order from tha Pompus place and hope no one else does either!


I would like to stress that <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and <a href="" target="_blank"></a> are two entirely different companies!!!!!!!
Thank you, carry on :)