bored, snake pics


Active Member
well i got bored on this glorious snow day and decided to post pics of my beautyful serpentines, so here we go, crikey! ps fifth pic miguel go too close to the camera



Active Member
ya thats my male king kal, ive been soaking him in warm water for a day or two, hope he sheds soon...


Active Member
i wasnt trying, ive bred them, i sold the eggs about a month ago. i know evrybody says u cant but theyve been fine together since mid october. both have come to church w/ me on numerous occasions, evry1 loves it, including the priestess


Active Member
yup colombian red tail, i bought him as a common boa but realized he was a colombian red tail when i saw his red tail and pink cheeks


Active Member
which bad boys? and not really, since flash is light snakes dont detect light that well it didnt matter. beth if u have any comment on the last statement id be happy to hear it, my bad boys u need to remember do include a girl
i need to save my $$$ for a brazilian rainbow boa pair, got the tank and lights and evrything but no snakes, and regal reptiles has em for $700 (good deal but exspensive) has any1 seen venom 911? that retic python was HUGE :scared: makes me want a retic :thinking: ..... imagine the things u have to feed it, here kitty kitty kitty


i wasnt trying, ive bred them, i sold the eggs about a month ago. i know evrybody says u cant but theyve been fine together since mid october. both have come to church w/ me on numerous occasions, evry1 loves it, including the priestess
ROFL, the priestess? what kind of religion you into , voodoo? :notsure:

30-xtra high

Active Member
, not to hijack, but here's 2 of my 3 snakes, don't wunna touch my baby black rat snake cause he's shedding, just ate, and tends to regurgitate food easily.
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
last one is the happy couple *crowd goes aw*
please give me a step by stpe on how... i have a 3 foot male corn snake, and a 4 foot female Ghost corn, and i have a 55 which can suit them till i get my 125 set up in a couple months, but i would like to breed them to make the "creamsicle" form of corn snake, i've seen them before, and they're really cool, all orange and white, and no they're not albino..
how do i go about putting them together without the 4 footer killing the 3 footer?
heres some pics (if i can figure out how to put them on)

30-xtra high

Active Member

here's 2 of my 3 snakes, black rat snake is shedding and don't want him to reguritate, but my red corn is named sparky and HE is 3 foot, and my Ghost corn is 4 foot, and HER name is boo, and sharkboy, do you know how i could mate them to make the "creamsicle" morph which is orange and white, i don't want my ghost corn to kill my red corn, how can i make them ok together?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jason490
ROFL, the priestess? what kind of religion you into , voodoo? :notsure:
im christian dumb@$$, r u gonna go to evry1 one of my active threads and bash me or something? if so u r a coward who is devoting even a second of his time to arguing w/ a 13 yr old, frankly just stop posting and learn from us, we want to help u but when we try to give u advice u sherk (sp?) it and ignore it and call upon us for "being mean" or w/e. and aj cool, i love bp's ive been looking for a adult female pastel, dono if ur that commited to snakes but do u know where theyre available?


Staff member
What about the flash? I was admiring your ball, which looks very much like my favorite ball. I have 2 with a long line of brown stripe down the back, and 1 (my favorite) that has the irregular round brown spot.
Where do you keep all these snakes? Mine stay in the enclosure pictured below.
(BTW: Lets watch the language Little Shark, finding non-curse words to say what you mean will always get the point across better.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Where do you keep all these snakes? Mine stay in the enclosure pictured below.
u keep snakes in enclosures? i always thot u let them roam free, oh well, that would explain the missing cats.... but i keep em in glass tanks, i tried tubberware boxes drilled and heated but our cleaner thot they wer storage and kept just kinda moving them carelssly


Active Member
those are awsome snakes, i just got a corn snake, my first snake ever, my family is an insane animal lover and it is still a little hard to feed baby mice but such is life
mines about 2 and a half feet
not sure what kind he is thou