bored, snake pics


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
which bad boys? and not really, since flash is light snakes dont detect light that well it didnt matter. beth if u have any comment on the last statement id be happy to hear it, my bad boys u need to remember do include a girl
i need to save my $$$ for a brazilian rainbow boa pair, got the tank and lights and evrything but no snakes, and regal reptiles has em for $700 (good deal but exspensive) has any1 seen venom 911? that retic python was HUGE :scared: makes me want a retic :thinking: ..... imagine the things u have to feed it, here kitty kitty kitty

my uncle in cali had a retic, they fed i rabbits. the dumbs let it run through out the house and it tried to wrap around several of the small grandkids, retarded i know, who would let there kids run around soemting that could eat your child with out any struggle
but they werent the shapest tools in the shed


Active Member
Originally Posted by BabyB
those are awsome snakes, i just got a corn snake, my first snake ever, my family is an insane animal lover and it is still a little hard to feed baby mice but such is life
mines about 2 and a half feet
not sure what kind he is thou
cool and thnx, i love corns


Active Member
Originally Posted by BabyB
who would let there kids run around soemting that could eat your child with out any struggle
.......i wont answer that question........


Originally Posted by BabyB
those are awsome snakes, i just got a corn snake, my first snake ever, my family is an insane animal lover and it is still a little hard to feed baby mice but such is life
I felt the same way with my ball python until a mouse got out and when i went to catch it, it bit me... had no problems feeding them after that

Sharkboy13 I'm not that into them since i've never had a pet store that close to me that I could really learn about different types of snakes and how to take care of them. Plus if i did know were to find them i live in northern maine so it would take you about 7+ hours to get to any pet store that were around here. sorry


Staff member
They get out for a little stroll, but this box is really liked by them, so they don't mind being in it (dark, warm, gradient heat).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
They get out for a little stroll, but this box is really liked by them, so they don't mind being in it (dark, warm, gradient heat).
my old ribbon snake went on a 3 month stroll once


Active Member
beth have u owned any other snakes? ive been considering some of the larger pythons (burms, rocks, maybe retics) and once i get old enough and have $1500 for antivenom maybe some venomous snakes. if uve kept any others what wer they?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ajwiggz
I felt the same way with my ball python until a mouse got out and when i went to catch it, it bit me... had no problems feeding them after that

Sharkboy13 I'm not that into them since i've never had a pet store that close to me that I could really learn about different types of snakes and how to take care of them. Plus if i did know were to find them i live in northern maine so it would take you about 7+ hours to get to any pet store that were around here. sorry

i know how u feel about mice (just ask firefish9) and its k that ur not that into snakes. i still find it cool that u have one. but if i wer u id go to and get urself an adult female pastel, breed ur and her and ull make thousands! baby r those agamids? my lizard sense is growing dull, altho i can still distinguish a blue tree monitor from a anole....

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
i wasnt trying, ive bred them, i sold the eggs about a month ago. i know evrybody says u cant but theyve been fine together since mid october. both have come to church w/ me on numerous occasions, evry1 loves it, including the priestess
can you tell me how to get my snakes together? i have a 3 foot male corn (just regular), and a 4 foot female Ghost corn, and i would like to breed them to make the morph known as a "creamsicle" which is orange and white , Not Albino, but i don't want to put them in a tank together and have the 4 footer kill the 3 footer, how do i put them together, or get them used to each other?


Active Member
hmmm creamsicle eh?im not so handy w/ rats (corns r a type of rat) first off is ur snake sexually mature? if so do a google search on it, i know u need a certain gene. like to get a pastel ball python u need a male normy and a female pastel. im guessing ud need a albino corn and a candy cane corn


Staff member
I have handled a few of those larger snakes, but don't own. My feeling is that these snakes needs real lifelong commitment and deadication from their owners. They also need a deadicated "room" to themselves (not just a cage), which someone your age may not be able to provide. Also, I believe you shouldn't make that kind of a commitment at this point in your life. Once you're an adult, and have your own place, ok.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
I have handled a few of those larger snakes, but don't own. My feeling is that these snakes needs real lifelong commitment and deadication from their owners. They also need a deadicated "room" to themselves (not just a cage), which someone your age may not be able to provide. Also, I believe you shouldn't make that kind of a commitment at this point in your life. Once you're an adult, and have your own place, ok.
ok, but keep in mind, in 5 yrs ill be leaving, im not sure but depending on growth rate a burm wont grow much more than ten ft rite? and besides, i dont plan on getting one until im about 14 or 15 when i plan to rent out a space and start a reptile resuce league (dumb i know but i gotta do something take up my time rite?)

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
I have handled a few of those larger snakes, but don't own. My feeling is that these snakes needs real lifelong commitment and deadication from their owners. They also need a deadicated "room" to themselves (not just a cage), which someone your age may not be able to provide. Also, I believe you shouldn't make that kind of a commitment at this point in your life. Once you're an adult, and have your own place, ok.
i get your point beth, and i'm not being snotty or anything, but i must disagree.. my friend (who is 16) got a female retic about 3 years ago, and it is 16 feet right now, and it is pregnant and due in about a month, and if all goes as planned.. my friend will have 12-15,000$ in a couple months..
and Sharkboy, yes i have done an enormous amount of research, and yet nowhere tells me how to get the ghost and regular together without a fight in the begining.
i know that a regular red corn snake (which i have) and a Ghost corn snake (which i have) will make regular with heteroGhost traits in them giving them the whitish color along with the orange from the regular bringing forth the "creamsicle" morph which i'll get about 30-50$ a piece.
but i don't see how i can get the snakes together without one killing the other. i figure if i just put them together one will die, is there someway to get them together?
yes both of them are sexually mature, both over 3 feet. one male and one female, and i know to wait till fall and bring the temp down to 50 degrees, so i know how to get them to breed, but just not how to get them together..

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
ok, but keep in mind, in 5 yrs ill be leaving, im not sure but depending on growth rate a burm wont grow much more than ten ft rite? and besides, i dont plan on getting one until im about 14 or 15 when i plan to rent out a space and start a reptile resuce league (dumb i know but i gotta do something take up my time rite?)
Burms grow at a rate depending on how they are fead.. if you keep them waiting for there food but still healthy, in about 4 years you'll probly have a 12 footer, but if you keep them full at all time, you'll have a 18 footer, i know a couple people who have them and they are so cool, my lfs has an albino burm about 3 feet for 250.. wish i had a big enough tank for it.. but i tend to do better with rat snakes, i like to handle them more, but just my 0.02$, i'd say go for it..


Active Member
I used to have 2 ball pythons about 10 years ago. I loved em. One day I went get them out of their enclosure and 1 was missing. The lid was on tight so all I could figure is that I forget to put him away due to reckless, excessive partying habits at the time. Anyway, I was then down to one. About 4 months later we moved across town. One night I was sitting in my room and saw a snake crawling across the baseboard so I picked him up and had a look. It was the snake I lost 4 months prior!!! He must have been living in a dresser or something the whole time and moved across town with us. It was crazy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
I used to have 2 ball pythons about 10 years ago. I loved em. One day I went get them out of their enclosure and 1 was missing. The lid was on tight so all I could figure is that I forget to put him away due to reckless, excessive partying habits at the time. Anyway, I was then down to one. About 4 months later we moved across town. One night I was sitting in my room and saw a snake crawling across the baseboard so I picked him up and had a look. It was the snake I lost 4 months prior!!! He must have been living in a dresser or something the whole time and moved across town with us. It was crazy.
happened to me w/ my first snake

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
I used to have 2 ball pythons about 10 years ago. I loved em. One day I went get them out of their enclosure and 1 was missing. The lid was on tight so all I could figure is that I forget to put him away due to reckless, excessive partying habits at the time. Anyway, I was then down to one. About 4 months later we moved across town. One night I was sitting in my room and saw a snake crawling across the baseboard so I picked him up and had a look. It was the snake I lost 4 months prior!!! He must have been living in a dresser or something the whole time and moved across town with us. It was crazy.
yep... there was a ball python that went 22 months without eating.. crazy..