Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
thats y the internets best, evrythings new and we abuse the english language to the extreme
i'm sorry sharkboy.. but that statement is wrong in so many ways.. do realize that anybody can make a site and say anything they want??, like.. do you know of "wikipedia"?, the dictionary/encyclopedia/ every thing you need to know website?.. well it turns out that anybody at all can change whats written on the site.. meaning that the info is often completely wrong in every way. You can NEVER trust the internet.. EVER.., thats why when you go to highschool (at least in mine) we need to actually get books, and show the teacher just so they know we didn't get phony info off the internet.
and what i am saying "outdated".. as in really old and there have been new info.. it doesn't matter.. if in 1850 they caught a 40 foot anaconda.. you can't change that.. you can't say it's length is outdated.. it was measured at 40 feet back then.. its length does not change. so if i go find an old book that has a recorded anaconda.. it is technically still the biggest snake in the world.