bored so posting pics of my tank


Active Member
my 55g reef
my goby

the only good pic i can get of my maroon clown

candy cane

newish frogspawn


close up of mushroom,

full tank shot. i have a new tank just saving money to put it up.

what do u think. all the pics were taken with my new olympus sp-320 7.1 mp


Just a tip: when you take pictures of the tank especially close ups....... turn the flow off and use the macro setting on the camera.


Active Member
ya i use the underwater micro and the close up thing, but u mean turn off the flow in the tank?


underwater micro? are you putting the camera in the water? IF not then just use the macro setting or close up setting from outside the tank. The underwater is meant to be actually "in" the water. Yea turn the flow off in the tank. The camera will pick up moving specs and it will appeared blurred in the picture. Also the scratches will fade away when you focus on the corals close up


Active Member
thanks i dont have just a micro, i gave a underwater micro only with a closeup thing that is a flower with an "S" next to it