Boring Rock


Is there anything i can add to my tank to brighten the colors up and make the tank more interesting with just the stock lights that came with the 30g tank? My tank has lr and ls but it looks a little dull.


No, stock lighting is barely adequate for coraline growth, although it will grow but slowly, let alone any corals. How long has the tank been set up? Coraline takes awhile to grow under stock lighting. It will though.


It has only been up for about a there any single bulb that I could get to increase coraline growth. If possible I would like to keep the stock hood for now as the budget is tight, but if there is a single bulb I could get that is better that would be really helpful...thanks


Active Member
No, as the fixture is simply too small. You can't put a larger wattage fluorescent lamp into a fixture that's designed for a 20w, so you are stuck with lighting that won't cut it.
I know you said budget is tight, but the good news is that with a 30g tank, a lighting system won't be that expensive. You should be able to get a used one on that famous site where they bid on stuff, or ask Craig to see if he has one on his list. I wouldn't be surprised if you find one in working order for $50-75, so I'd just try to save up for a bit.


New Member
Originally Posted by AMertz03
Is there anything i can add to my tank to brighten the colors up and make the tank more interesting with just the stock lights that came with the 30g tank? My tank has lr and ls but it looks a little dull.
I use a "Power-Glo" bulb from Hagan in my refugium and it shows color pretty good for a normal output (15 watt), the macroalgea grow fast and corolaine algea is also growing on the side of the refugium.
(this tank and water is only 2 months old) This type of bulb should be at our LFS



I bought one bulb from my LFS at about $30 bulb reads
Ocean Sun f15t8/10,000k. I really helped and it was what I was told was my only option with my hood. Good Luck!


Hi all - quick question to make sure I'm not destroyng my fuge population...
I have 2 large pep. shrimp (almost 2" ea.) in my DT. I have a 30 gal sump/fuge (half and half) that has chaeto, about 10# LR rubble and about 10# sand, and screaming with worms, baby/mini stars, and pods of all sorts. Oh yeah - and baby aiptasia... So I bought 6 peps (about 1/2" ea) to put in there to control them.
Question: is that too many? Will they eat the pods, etc as well? I don't want to decimate the good critter population - would it be a better idea to take 3 of them and throw them up in the DT?


I am in the same boat. With a 30 gal tank and the plastic top / ballist that comes with the tank, lighting choices are very limited. I found a 20,000K, 20watt bulb from Coralife. Its supposedly meant for deep water and inverts. Its has this bluish tint to it, and since I have had it in coraline and alge growth has been tremendous. It also claims that it can be used for corals, but I havent tested it. I wasnt looking to get to much into reef setups till I get a bigger tank, but have been throwing around the idea of a bubble tip or something. Anyone know about pairing amne. with clowns. My clown has been in the tank almost 3 years, is there less of a chance it will pair, I know when I got my CBS, the clown swam right up to it and tried to get the CBS to jump on, like it was a skunk or somthing. Thought that might be a good sign. What do you think? Would the lights be adequate? How likely woudl the clown pair? Any suggestions on corals that might work (low light)??? Thanks.