Borrowed a dig. cam!!


Something to keep in mind. I am not sure how your skimmer works but if the brass fitting is under your water level that might cause problems in the long run. I used to be a chemist and also work as a waste water technician. Brass under water will eventually place trace amounts of copper and zinc into the water. Just something to keep in mind that might be a potential problem down the road. If the fitting isn't suspended under water then you have nothing to worry about.


I have found it works best when the intake is about 1 inch below the surface of the water, so thats how i run it. I did remove the sponge also. Adding a wood airstone provides a much finer supply of bubbles allowing more contact time with the water and a more efficient skimmer. The other end of the hose is connected to an airpump :) The brass valve sits on the top of the back wall of my tank (above water level obviously since it is an air intake haha) It is attatched to a small length of soft hose that runs into the centre of the water intake on the powerhead. Lionkiller, thanks for the input, i would never run brass under the surface either.


How do you like your urchin? I was thinking about getting one for my 29g reef to help control the surplus algae I have. Does he knock anything over or eat things he shouldn't? How long have you had it? Sorry for all the questions :rolleyes:


I've had the urchin for almost 3 months now. It is a pain in the butt sometimes, it will knock over corals, move small rocks, carry snails around, carry my thermometer around lol. I also believe it ate half of one of my heads of frogspawn (which recovered by the way) Its not enough of a problem to consider taking him back (unless he eats any coral again) That only happened one time. Awesome algae eater and really cool looking, im glad i got mine. :yes: