Bottled Water?


New Member
If reverse osmosis water is not available what is the next best solution? Are any of the distilled bottled waters available at grocery stores suitable? Thanks for any input.
I used distilled water from the grogery store. It was a little expensive, but from what I've heard it's worth the price.


Well-Known Member
Tap water is just fine. distilled water may have some copper depending on how it was distilled.
the water you add to your tank will be continuouly filtered by the tanks and algae. So unless you do massive water changes every week, the tank will provide the best quality water available. The effect of the water input into the system is negligable as long as it is fit for human consumption.


Active Member
Every tap has different water quality coming out of it. Unless you know what is exactly in your water then use what you know for sure is clean.....
Using tap and sea salt and using ro and sea salt can be very different not to mention prolonged use can take your tank down different roads. Combine that with what you actually have living in the tank and it could go another way.
I'm tempted to start two side by side 20 gallon LRO (Live rock only (a new acronym!)) tanks with a sand bed and live rock from the same source.
The only difference will be one will be tap water and the other RO/DI water.
Then 6 months down the road I'll put fish in the healthier tank.
I'm taking bets now on which it will be :)


Active Member
I use the RO water machine at the grocery store for 25 cents a gallon. works great, pretty cheap as well


Active Member
Tap water is just fine. distilled water may have some copper depending on how it was distilled.
Um...NO. Tap water is NOT just fine as it contains countless elements that are bad for saltwater fish. Not only can these things independantly harm you fish, but they can add to your nitrate problem as well. And, as seen in beaslbob's other posts, he is having trouble with his nitrates.
Distilled water removes much of the garbage in tap water (which is OK for human consumption, just not marine fish). RO/DI water is best, but distilled is OK for the time being until you buy an RO/DI unit. IMHO.


Active Member
so i would test it from time to time to be sure there are no NO3s and PO4s in it
i test anytime i put water in, no matter how sure i am of it.


I invested in a decent RO/DI unit from kent marine. Kent marine HI-S.
It averages about 35 gallons per day. With all the money you are about to invest or have invested its well worth getting a RO unit. I tested my tap water and it was high in nitrates. I can't see doing water changes and exchanging nitrate laden water with the same thing. I also don't want any unhealthy algae blooms with phosphates. Check around well worth the money.