Bottom line?


Active Member
Yes it does, but only during the free floating stage, and flow rate through sterilizer must be correct, usually pretty slow flow depending on the UV unit. So it really should be used as a preventative device rather than to try and cure a problem. You can multiple stages of Ich going on at one time, so it can take awhile to get rid of this way.IMO


New Member
I got a flame angel and it was in QT for 5 weeks with no sign of ich and 2 days after going in DT It is showing a few signs of ich. I hope this is just a stress thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dem3rd
I got a flame angel and it was in QT for 5 weeks with no sign of ich and 2 days after going in DT It is showing a few signs of ich. I hope this is just a stress thing.
Sounds like ich was present in display already?


New Member
2 clowns and a longnose hawk and never any signs of ich.All fish have been in QT when bought