Bought a 125 RR today with stand/canopy


Active Member
That drain will come in handy for water changes, Hot. THat is a swell idea.
I'm gonna have to shore up our floor joists if I go ANY bigge than the 75 we have now. Such is the price we pay for a little slice of the ocean in our homes. :joy:


Active Member
Here are just some updates of the work I've had to do. Complete new floor with new supports and leveled floor joist' and new ceiling with new insulation. And beginings of the new French Doors that are going in this week. Painting of the walls and ceiling will be coming soon as well as the new ceramic tile floor.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Farmboy
This is a big Tim Allen "Arr arr arr arr arr!" for you, Barry. Keep us posted!
Thanks Farmboy, I could use some Al Borlan right about now too. It's pretty intense and gets old REAL fast, but it will get done and done the right way. I will be glad and proud when it is over. Ha!


Active Member
It seems like some of the most difficult work just gets covere up, doesn't it?
I'm gonna have to shore up (no pun) for our next tank. I'll be crawling UNDER the house for that job. THat drain Idea is a good one. I may have to incorporate it into our setup. . . :thinking:
BTW have you thought of adding a water supply line for maybe putting an RO unit in under the tank? It would be easy while you have everything open and REAL convenient.
Just a thought.


Active Member
Ok, so the french doors are in and the tile is almost all down. I also put in the drain today for the floor. Will come in super handy for the water changes and God forbid the tank leaks or worse.
I will be picking up the tank next week and working on beefing up the stand. I still need to grout and seal the tile, paint the walls and ceiling. Man I am getting so close. Ha!



Active Member
I recieved 50 lbs. of Totoka rock today. Man am I happy. The pics. do it no justice. I have 100 lbs. of branch coming now. :jumping:



Active Member
So the tank is now up and running with 180-200 lbs. of live rock. 150lbs was uncured and the rest came from my established 55. I added 80 lbs. of Agralive sand and several large nets scooped out of my 55 for added bacteria etc.
The water has been in since about the last week in Feb. early Mar. I test regularly and my parameters this morning was:
How do you think I'm doing? I know I am getting close.


Active Member
Originally Posted by susieq
That looks great. What do you think it weighs?
Thanks for the compliment.
main Tank and stand-250lbs.
water in main tank- 125x8.34=1,042.5 (and thats just for R.O. water)
live rock and sand 95+180=275
lights= 100 lbs.
2 mag 12 pumps=15 lbs.
2 -29 gal. sumps; say less rock rubble and some water =250 lbs.
Just a quick estimate just 6-7 lbs. shy of 2,000 lbs.
That is why I put floor supports under there every 3-4 feet, added more stringers between the floor joists, 1/2" plywood, 1/2" cement board and then the 18"ceramic tile.
NO tiles cracked.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jhebi
Looking good hot......Got you fish list already????

Not 100% settled yet, but I am thinking 3 tangs, 2 engineer gobies, 2 cardinals, and if I find the correct fuzzy dwarf lion then it will go in there. Also thought about a harlequin tusk.


New Member
Sweet looking tank do you have the phone number of this warehouse I wanna get a tank similar to yours I wanna see if they could deliver it to NJ let me know thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by JerseySea1
Sweet looking tank do you have the phone number of this warehouse I wanna get a tank similar to yours I wanna see if they could deliver it to NJ let me know thanks
(405) 942-3555