Bought a new house!


Well, the past month has been busy for me! I sold my townhome and just signed a contract on a new house. While all this was going on, I built a new stand and canopy for a 150gal. tank that I need to pick up at the LFS. I bought an All-glass 150 with dual megaflows.
My problem:
Placement of the tank in the new home. I know I need to keep this tank on the bottom floor, but the only two places this giant will work is in a sunroom, or in front of a double window. The sunroom would be the best location, but this room gets a lot of light and I am sure it stays warm in the summer. The other location in front of the double window would block a floor register. I am having the back of the tank painted black, and I could shut the blinds if I put it here.
What would you do? Is the sunroom asking for problems down the road?


Oh Goody - Something I might be able to help on. Please remember this is just my opinion!!
I've had fish since 1970 you do the subtraction. I would stay away from the Sun room no matter how neat it would seem to have it there. You are asking for aglae bloom due to sunlight if nothing else. Glass is also know for a lot of heat loss and heat gain. I have blocked off a register before and set a 75 in front of a window but the venetion blinds were pretty much closed and that was the back of the tank aswell - Anderson tinted glass double pane with UV coating to boot. Consider if it is still to cool or hot to be there. Mine was ok no prob. I didn't miss the 1 supply register (East expsoure). Hope that helps:D


Ok, great advice. I might try to relocate the vent or possibly cut a notch in the base of the stand to let the air out.


Easily relocated - ????
Is it a floor register cut into your subfloor and a carpet with a hole cut out:notsure:


Wellllll, I was able to close off my register and just set my tank over it no problem. If you really miss the air - probably won't just cut in a new duct run and grille like Kip suggested.


Great....thanks. I will cut it off and see what happens. If the room does not heat/cool properly, I will go from there.