bought a starving mandarin yesterday


Active Member
yeah, i know.

i just felt so bad for it. his sides are really sunken in. and there were at least two fuzzy dead ones in the tanks. there was zero live rock in the tank he came out of and no sump. so he's in my tank now eating pods like crazy. i have AT LEAST 80 pounds of rock in my tank, and tons of pods, so im not worried about that. im just wondering if theres anything else i should know about them.


Active Member
It's good that's he's eating. Many times when fish are that far starved, their stomach eat themselves, and the fish acts like it's 'not hungry' and doesn't eat.
You also try to get him on prepared foods. Try Cyclopeeze and Artic-pods if you LFS's carry them.


Active Member
iight, ill do that. he seemed vaugely interested in the mysis i fed my LPS yesterday, but he didnt touch any. so maybe theres some potential.


Active Member
Yea, chances are he won't take to prepare. Especially just being spot fed by a baster or whatever. I've seen more mandarins take to prepare if they're given food in/on some object, as most mandarin's, mine at least, are pretty timid, don't like your arm in the water, etc. If anything it will take a good bit of time to wean him onto prepared. Just stick to it.
Here's a vid of the "mandarin diner" and a great idea to copy:


Active Member
ive got a couple back issues of TFH that deal with mandarins. ill check those out and the video.
heres a pic of Chunks. hard to get because he is very shy!


Active Member
buy some brine shrimp and feed them before offering them to the mandarin (kinda like gut loading). This isnt a permanent solution, but it will get the mandarin interested in food again. Keep feeding him and then start to mix in some frozen brine to his food. Eventually you can mix other things in as well (like mysis etc).
Thats great new that he is eating. Ive never seen a mandarin turn down bloodworms either so I would try them (frozen ones).. something about the red I think. Although many people are not supportive of feeding blood worms to marine fish, I find it an excellent way to get a sick mandarin some protein and spark the appetite.
Good Luck


Active Member
alright, ill get some. you can barely tell that his sides are sunken in anymore. he even looked better the day after i bought him. he looks a lot better, but definately not fat. ill hatch some brine shrimp and get some bloodworms. thanks shrimpi.


Active Member
I think he is going to be ok
it seems like you are willing to do whatever necessary to help him, unlike a lot of people that treat them like ornaments.
Also, the target species (the one you have) is known to do better with prepared foods as opposed to the psychedelic species.
Keep us posted


Active Member
still eating like a pig. he picks at the mysis. unfortunately, i have to go out of town for a few days, so ill have to get him some bloodworms when i get back. i have a ton of rock though, so everything should be fine till then.