Bought another tang by mistake! HELP!

Okay so I haven't seen my Kole Tang for almost a week. I looked everywhere for her and couldn't find it! I moved name it I did it. Well in a panic that my 7 year old would realize that her favorite fish is a DEAD I went and got another Kole. Well what do you know there are now 2 in my 125 gallon tank. What should I do???
My wife thinks its the funniest thing. Well no aggression yet but its only been 6 hours. My new tang is bigger than my other one. The one I had is hiding, which is the norm for her...Just don't want to lose one for real this time! lol

crypt keeper

Active Member
Its 10 pm on the east coast on a sunday. I doubt he can do that. He has about 12 hours to deal with this. This is why people need Qt set ups. For one you wont kill your already happy healthy fish with a sick one. Two if you ever have a issue you need to seperate fish you have an answer. Turn off the lights. Let them go to sleep. Unless you have an air stone a heater and a bucket. Take out some water place the air stone in and a heater then cover it and it should be fine till tomorrow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Its 10 pm on the east coast on a sunday. I doubt he can do that. He has about 12 hours to deal with this. This is why people need Qt set ups. For one you wont kill your already happy healthy fish with a sick one. Two if you ever have a issue you need to seperate fish you have an answer. Turn off the lights. Let them go to sleep. Unless you have an air stone a heater and a bucket. Take out some water place the air stone in and a heater then cover it and it should be fine till tomorrow.
i wasn't saying take it back right now. i was asking if it is possible to take the fish back when the store is open.


Active Member
its cool. i wasn't vary clear in my statement. i figured that it was way to late to take the fish back today. heck my LFS is not even open on Sunday or Monday. so if it was me i wouldn't be able to go back until it was Tuesday

black cobra

Kole tangs are some serious hiders! I was looking for him this morning before I left for work.... Could not find him anywhere until I saw his big ass yellow eye peeking thru one of the holes in my rock


Well-Known Member
I am surprised you saw that much, they meld with the rock and change into brown. Mine goes invisible, I sware!
All went well. I returned the other tang first thing Monday morning. As for the QT tank. I have one but with my LFS selling only the best quality fish I seldom use it. My LFS qt their new arrivals and won't let you buy them until they have been qt for 2 weeks. Never heard of this before but its their policy. They let you feed the fish, place a small deposit and they will hold it for you until it is qt. Thats one of the main reasons I buy from them all the time. But thanks to everyone for the quick reply.