bought live rock.what next?


New Member
I bought some pre-cured LR for my FO tank.The fish seem to take to it rather well and i was wondering what is going to happen to it next? Change colors?


Active Member
Sorry to be off subject here but where do you ride the bike at. I have a dirtbike and not really anywhere to ride. I am on the west side off jacksonville


Active Member
first off there will most likely be some die off. than you'll start to see grown on it


Though WHEN you see the growth is very subjective it seems. I have 65lbs in my tank and only one rock is actually showing any sort of visible life on it and but it's been about 3 months for that piece. So it might take a while.


Active Member
just because you don't see growth does not mean that there isn't life inside the rock


Originally Posted by Culp
just because you don't see growth does not mean that there isn't life inside the rock
yea, that's why I said visible life
I know there is a peanut worm (I think) in one of the rocks that looks completely barren but only one has growth on the outside.


Originally Posted by karavak
yea, that's why I said visible life
I know there is a peanut worm (I think) in one of the rocks that looks completely barren but only one has growth on the outside.
you want coraline algae? is that what you mean? takes time and your water parameters have to be right. you can add supplements from your LFS to make it grown faster. lighting is important obviously and lights in the blue spectrum tend to promote faster coraline growth. no creatures will just magically appear, they are either there or not. you may see some anemones, feather dusters or sponge growth or you may not. the main reason for "live rock" is that it acts as a natural filter wether its is covered in purple and pink coraline algae or not.


New Member
Originally Posted by robertmathern
Sorry to be off subject here but where do you ride the bike at. I have a dirtbike and not really anywhere to ride. I am on the west side off jacksonville

I ride at the Motoplex in Madison County (about 2 hours away)
I also ride at 10,000 acres in Palatka and Dirt Farm.