Bought Nature Oceans LS - How long before adding fish?


Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum and I just finished re-setting up my old 62 gallon tank. The tank is a Bioreef with an overflow that goes to a wet/dry system. I also have a Renaissance 20 canister filter. The tank was sitting there with about 3/4 of the water for about 8 I thoroughly cleaned out the entire tank, filters, replaced all filter flosses, carbons, etc...I got rid of my old crushed coral substrated and my LFS recommended that I get live sand because it's very beneficial. My question was how long should I wait before adding fish into the tank after the LS is in, and all the ammonia/ph/nitrite/nitrate levels are ok? They say it's "instant cycle" but I don't want to have a nitrite/nitrate spike. The fish that Im considering to start off with are probably a flame angelfish, raccon butterfly, a tang, and maybe something else? So how long should I wait after the LS is in? I'm done babbling now. Thanks for any replies.


to be honest, I don't think you have to wait that long. I changed from crushed corals to livesand and I waited for .. 2 days exactly. Everything was fine. Ammonia was at 0, nitrite was at 0.

the new guy

I would not rush it. I would imagine that you will have to go thru a cycle. It sounds to me like you pretty much will be starting over again. I would add the sand and water and either raw shrimp or a few harty fish and let it run awhile. If you get your ammo spike then you will know that you are recycling. If this is the case then you should wait at least 1 month to let your tank reestablish...
[ August 06, 2001: Message edited by: The New Guy ]


Active Member
Do you have any live rock too? You should not have to wait but I would not start with a flame angel or any tang.The butterfly would be the best choice of the three you mentioned.


just make sure everything its fine,no ammonia,nitrites,ph at right level and it this is ok then you can add that fish that jimi said.


I agree with Jimi's approach, you shouldn't have to wait, but I wouldn't throw the flame angel in first as dwarf angels can be very prone to disease, and affected by water quality. I would try to throw some kind of life in first, even if it's only a small chunk of your clean up crew. Just use your instincts/head and go slow with it. have fun!