bought new lights and came home to death


Active Member
I never said loading a 2 month old 30 gal tank with LR would be ok for a mandrin, I am still not convinced it will live.
Does it eat any other foods you put in the tank?
Was the rock you put in cured? I didn't see a post on you adding a bunch of LR, that may have put your tank in another cycle and thats what killed your angel, you can't just dump a whole lot of LR into a rank, What are your levels, DO NOR PUT ANOTHER LIVING THING IN THAT TANK!
You need to get the tank straightened out before you do so.


Need I say it again..........lots of money to throw at things, and little to no common sense and a total lack of comprehending what was stated.
Cheap entertainment is hard to find! Just look at what he can kill, torture and maime once he gets his 75 gal........


Originally Posted by GSD
Need I say it again..........lots of money to throw at things, and little to no common sense and a total lack of comprehending what was stated.
Cheap entertainment is hard to find! Just look at what he can kill, torture and maime once he gets his 75 gal........

I am starting to see why you feel this way. he never listens and he still has not posted his Water readings.
no offense but you do seem a little Impatient many people told you to take the Manderin back and about the yellow tail being mean fish. Please for your sake post your reading HOT833 and Puffer knows what to do I have seen many post with them giving excellant advice. I just want to see you start using some of that advice. you have had a 30 Gallon set up for 3 months now and are already looking to upgrade without succefully Establishing that one. Please Take your time and enjoy what fish you can keep
Sorry everyone just had to get it off my chest.I read all of the post that I might have the same question too. It helps me learn before the disaster.


Thank you cyclops..
I just did not wake up and decide tpo pick on Bill and a few others.........contrary to what they may think, but there is a point in which I loose my ability to try and help anymore when idiots will blatantly play you and others for what its worth. He kows full well and was told by many folks about the mandarin, yet he babbles on and does nothing about it, yet hollers he has problems. I am pretty good a calling an idiot an idiot, and to be honest, Bill is not a typical person looking for answers, he already knows what he intends to do, and is only posting and reposting until he finally gets one to agree with his idea so he doe snot bite the bullet on it if it goes south......In other words he is looking for an answer to be his scapegoat....he has no intentions of following anyones advice, not that he is really bound to follow advice given, but his repeating his same old crap over and over gets old.........I just call a clown a clown and and idiot an idiot....Its easy to see were BIll comes from and fits in!


Your right I have seen many times where he would ask for advice then says "My LFS told me this " and disregard everything else that was suggested to him. I have a 14 year old son who has a 30 and he waited months until he even added a $12.00 fire fish wich wasn't his first choice but he wanted to take it slow and learn and read and read. He uses my log name and reads all kinds of post then say DAD did you know!!!!! I just want Bill to stop and think about what he is asking and if he really wants the help. GSD you are a Honest Hobbyist


Active Member
if you recently 'Loaded your tank up with LR' , and the tank was 2 months old to start, you likely re-cycled your whole tank, which can easily kill your sensitive angel fish.
if your tank was 6 months established than maybe it would have been more stable....
fish are usually fine with light acclimating, unless you put on new MH's and left them on for like 13 hours, then i could see a problem ensuing from that.
post your water parameters.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Where in the heck did that come from? I don't think that is a necessary way to talk to him.

That comes from the fact that bill repeatedly asks for advice but doesn't heed it, then comes back on here and wants to know why his fish die.


There must be umteen requests for Bill to post his water parameters, over a long period of time, yet there has yet to be one post with the parameters.....Early on in his ramplings, er ah make that posts, he stated he did not have any kits a it was not necessary as the lfs was a free source...well its not really the case of it being a free osurce, but eventually they are gonna get sick and tired of doing your job for you, and they certianly are not gonna run tests daily or weekly for free for a lifeitme. Then he goes on to say he bought a test kit biuty its crappy and cheap.....and probbaly not anaya good.......wellthat says it all, He can splurge on a skimmer on lights and on fish that does not have a snowballs chance in he double ell of surviving in his setup, he can save money for a 75 gal, buy this and buy more live rock in a vain attempt to do whats not possible in 99.99% of the cases, and still he has not purchased decent test kits or posted results....because it matters little to him one way or another, as he will just throw more money at it or kill more fish and critters and use one of the replies he got that "supported" his ill activities as the fault this stuff happened and thats why he should have listened to only his LFS. Bill is not concerned with learning how to do things the right way, he is only interested in making a show, with as little input as possibnle form him in return, and its not going to work in the saltwater arena....I view BIll as a spoiled child who is handed money to more or less stay out of the way of mommie and daddy, and he calls it his way of earning money.........He is by all means not capable of following instructions nor suitable for fish keeping without adult supervision to ensure he follows through with what needs to be done........bill is only in it for the prestige and splash or saying he has a saltwater aquarium........Yea a mandarin is only a $10 fish in most areas or at least in my area, and are dirt cheap but nonetheless they are still a living thing, and deserve better than what bill affords them as they sure do not need money as much as they need things done the proper way. Until Bill starts to follow advice and the advice he asks for is freely given here yet he does not follow it, then Bill in my mind is a loser and has inclination of learning squat about saltwater anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
I never said loading a 2 month old 30 gal tank with LR would be ok for a mandrin, I am still not convinced it will live.
Does it eat any other foods you put in the tank?
Was the rock you put in cured? I didn't see a post on you adding a bunch of LR, that may have put your tank in another cycle and thats what killed your angel, you can't just dump a whole lot of LR into a rank, What are your levels, DO NOR PUT ANOTHER LIVING THING IN THAT TANK!
You need to get the tank straightened out before you do so.
ok wel lim sorry for assuming but it was over a few days not al at once but he isnt usually interested in the forzen but if it sits on the rock he will eat at it a little


Active Member
if you dont go and buy a test kit and test all of your levels you cant get any more help. help yourself first, then we can help you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GSD
There must be umteen requests for Bill to post his water parameters, over a long period of time, yet there has yet to be one post with the parameters.....Early on in his ramplings, er ah make that posts, he stated he did not have any kits a it was not necessary as the lfs was a free source...well its not really the case of it being a free osurce, but eventually they are gonna get sick and tired of doing your job for you, and they certianly are not gonna run tests daily or weekly for free for a lifeitme. Then he goes on to say he bought a test kit biuty its crappy and cheap.....and probbaly not anaya good.......wellthat says it all, He can splurge on a skimmer on lights and on fish that does not have a snowballs chance in he double ell of surviving in his setup, he can save money for a 75 gal, buy this and buy more live rock in a vain attempt to do whats not possible in 99.99% of the cases, and still he has not purchased decent test kits or posted results....because it matters little to him one way or another, as he will just throw more money at it or kill more fish and critters and use one of the replies he got that "supported" his ill activities as the fault this stuff happened and thats why he should have listened to only his LFS. Bill is not concerned with learning how to do things the right way, he is only interested in making a show, with as little input as possibnle form him in return, and its not going to work in the saltwater arena....I view BIll as a spoiled child who is handed money to more or less stay out of the way of mommie and daddy, and he calls it his way of earning money.........He is by all means not capable of following instructions nor suitable for fish keeping without adult supervision to ensure he follows through with what needs to be done........bill is only in it for the prestige and splash or saying he has a saltwater aquarium........Yea a mandarin is only a $10 fish in most areas or at least in my area, and are dirt cheap but nonetheless they are still a living thing, and deserve better than what bill affords them as they sure do not need money as much as they need things done the proper way. Until Bill starts to follow advice and the advice he asks for is freely given here yet he does not follow it, then Bill in my mind is a loser and has inclination of learning squat about saltwater anything.
I am in full agreement with you here. I don't usually attack other reefers, especially such young ones. But i have grown tired of this kids death parade. Yes, I am harsh with him, but i would be even harsher if he was my son. I would take his "toys" and put them away until he was old enough, or mature enough to handle them. My son at this age had many reptiles and pets and he was responsible so I let him get all those slimy things, and even learned with him about feeding and caring for them, it was a bonding experience for both of us. where are Bills parents??? Don't they have a clue of the destruction he is doing to these defenseless animals?
I was very angry about the mandrin thing, but felt better when he told me he would take it back, thought he was finally listening to someone on here, but no, the next thing you know, he wants to know if he can use table salt!!!
I am disgusted with the whole thing, don't think i will read any more of his threads, they make me want to paddle his behind!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
I am in full agreement with you here. I don't usually attack other reefers, especially such young ones. But i have grown tired of this kids death parade. Yes, I am harsh with him, but i would be even harsher if he was my son. I would take his "toys" and put them away until he was old enough, or mature enough to handle them. My son at this age had many reptiles and pets and he was responsible so I let him get all those slimy things, and even learned with him about feeding and caring for them, it was a bonding experience for both of us. where are Bills parents??? Don't they have a clue of the destruction he is doing to these defenseless animals?
I was very angry about the mandrin thing, but felt better when he told me he would take it back, thought he was finally listening to someone on here, but no, the next thing you know, he wants to know if he can use table salt!!!
I am disgusted with the whole thing, don't think i will read any more of his threads, they make me want to paddle his behind!!!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
That comes from the fact that bill repeatedly asks for advice but doesn't heed it, then comes back on here and wants to know why his fish die.

only one fish has dies and btw when was the last time that happend.. this time.???? well i went with the lfs and there oppinions then came on here to see if you guys wich i had hope woulld get a positive response but all i get is NEGATIVE NEFATIVE ANDMORE NEGATIVE from some of you about noobish mistakes i learn slowly im sorry if you dont like that but lets put all that behind me and cus im gettin sick of this we are ALL HERE FOR THE SAME REASON NOT TO BASH PPL WE WERE ALL NEW AT ONE TIME!!


Active Member

Originally Posted by alyssia



Active Member
Originally Posted by GSD
There must be umteen requests for Bill to post his water parameters, over a long period of time, yet there has yet to be one post with the parameters.....Early on in his ramplings, er ah make that posts, he stated he did not have any kits a it was not necessary as the lfs was a free source...well its not really the case of it being a free osurce, but eventually they are gonna get sick and tired of doing your job for you, and they certianly are not gonna run tests daily or weekly for free for a lifeitme. Then he goes on to say he bought a test kit biuty its crappy and cheap.....and probbaly not anaya good.......wellthat says it all, He can splurge on a skimmer on lights and on fish that does not have a snowballs chance in he double ell of surviving in his setup, he can save money for a 75 gal, buy this and buy more live rock in a vain attempt to do whats not possible in 99.99% of the cases, and still he has not purchased decent test kits or posted results....because it matters little to him one way or another, as he will just throw more money at it or kill more fish and critters and use one of the replies he got that "supported" his ill activities as the fault this stuff happened and thats why he should have listened to only his LFS. Bill is not concerned with learning how to do things the right way, he is only interested in making a show, with as little input as possibnle form him in return, and its not going to work in the saltwater arena....I view BIll as a spoiled child who is handed money to more or less stay out of the way of mommie and daddy, and he calls it his way of earning money.........He is by all means not capable of following instructions nor suitable for fish keeping without adult supervision to ensure he follows through with what needs to be done........bill is only in it for the prestige and splash or saying he has a saltwater aquarium........Yea a mandarin is only a $10 fish in most areas or at least in my area, and are dirt cheap but nonetheless they are still a living thing, and deserve better than what bill affords them as they sure do not need money as much as they need things done the proper way. Until Bill starts to follow advice and the advice he asks for is freely given here yet he does not follow it, then Bill in my mind is a loser and has inclination of learning squat about saltwater anything.
how many times do i have to tell you.. i earn my money .. {edit language{ leave me alone and stop posting on my threads no koney has come from them so please STOP assuming cus its making an

out of yourself
i am officially looking for a NEW forum

and the deed is done i may ome back to this forum( this forum is aesome but ntot eh people and forum canbe the same )
i found myself a new forum and have regestered so if you feel ike banning me and think its necessary go for it


Active Member
Bill, why don't you buy a good book on saltwater aquariums huh? You have to admit you keep making the wrong decisions. You need to research before you jump in and make these horrible mistakes! You want to keep fish your system isn't capable of keeping. You won't settle for east first fish, you choose mandrins when its suggested you get something easy like firefish, you want buttrflies. If you buy a good book, you will know not to use tablesalt before you even set up a tank, you should have read the basics before, not learn from so many mistakes. You have made more poor judgement then any newbie and then blame the mistakes on being a newbie READ CHILD READ!!! Don't just dive in, take it slow and learn, before, not after! You ask for advice here, then take the advice of your lfs, so maybe you do need to find a new forum, we can't help you here if you won't help yourself ok???


Yes damsels suck, good for cycling a tank but not much else. They tend to pick on anything their size. I have not had much luck with chromis's. I have bought about 18 total over the last year and now have 1 large one left. I had several small ones and the large 1 just bullied them to death. They are supposed to be a very hardy fish. I have stayed away from them since they usually end up on my crab's buffet line. I only have 1 large chromis, a blonde naso tang, 3 bengai cardinals, a Foxface, 2 tomato clows, for fish in a 105 gallon. I have spend most of my money lately on corals and inverts, for some reason I have better success with them.


Active Member
I don't care what this guy has or hasn't done, I am getting REALLY tired of the personal attacks.
Enough already.

If you don't want to spend the time answering his posts patiently, then DO NOT POST AT ALL.
I know people get frustrated, but this does not solve anything. In the end, you have wasted time trying to help this person, and you have wasted moderator time trying to track down these inappropriate posts.

The name calling, language etc, etc is TOTALLY unacceptable and it is such an incredible waste of time having to hunt around for these posts where he is attacked. I don't even know what the heck he has or hasn't done, because I can't get past the attack that comes every time this guy posts.
JUST STOP POSTING IN HIS THREADS! Ignore him if he isn't taking advice, but enough with the name calling. All it does is take the one chance that he might learn something and make it so unpleasant that he probably will leave and guess what happens then? More things die. So what has it accomplished to do this to him?
Bill, I apologize for the treatment you have received. You are not the one who needs to find a new forum. I do wish that you would listen to the advice people here provide, because you will find, in time, people stop helping you wherever you go. These are NOT people trying to get money from you like your LFS. It is ultimately your decision as to whether to act or not -whether I agree or not - but regardless, you do not deserve to be treated as you have been in this thread and others.