bought some assorted eels,

Good news !! I think I can tell you what they are. Pic # 1 Fimbriated moray
pic #2 Chain moray
Bad news
they are not really compatible unless you have a really big tank. Chain morays are alot like SFE. they are a more passive species. The fimbriated, I can tell you from experience they are VERY aggressive. Mine in extremely territorial and will defend it. IMO Unless you have a 125 or bigger with ALOT OF ROCK you looking at one killing the other. I would put my money on the fimbriated. If you don't have a big tank and only a 90 or a 75 , take one back, get some credit. Better that loosing one of them.


ah, well good to know now that they are loose in my tank :D haha I paid $20 for the both of them, I like the chain better so I will keep him, hes more passive.. can u tell by there mouths. I notice the meanier ones have a pointier snout while the passive ones are rounder. like the SFE my zebra and the chainlink..

beach bum

Yes you can tell by the jaw structure, but the big give-away is the teeth, long and sharp for catching fish. AFAIK all Gymnothorax spp. will have those teeth.
Make certain your tops are tight since chasing the other out of the tank is the preferred method of eel on eel homicide. Other than that, you will see some damage and loose flaps of eel hide if there is a problem, the struggles usually don't begin as 'to the death', but the continual damage will definitely cause death.
good luck, I love the yellow head morays (fimbriated).


Can you tell me anything about the Blue Ribbon eel? How big they get? Tank size? Feeding? Or at least point me in the right direction


well i bought them together and they shared a tank there. so far all three of my eels hide under the same rock in my tank... I feed them well so Im banking on they wont need to fight. and as I target feed them I know they are getting there share... Hope this works out, or im in for a good lesson. :eek:


Active Member
You'll be fine. Just watch to make sure they both get enough food.
I kept 2 ghost ribbons, an SFE, black edge and good sized tesselata together for a while (then I split them up because it was too hard to feed them all at once!). I had no problems with aggression.
A friend who is a SERIOUS eel keeper in N.C. tells me the only moray he has had real trouble with in a tank with other morays is the green. Just make sure you keep them in a fairly large environment.
And if I'm wrong, you're out 20 bucks and one of your eels had a good dinner.
(hope that didn't make you squeamish:))


Both for 20 bucks, between that and the guy who got the stary puffer, there are some good deals going on. Wish such deals were around my area.