bought the 2.5 gallon


ok i bought a 2.5 gallon instead of the 5.5 and i have 2 10 watt bulbs 50% 50/50 and 50% actinic on it i was thinkin this fish/coral/invert list...

1 high finned red banned goby or 1 yellow watchman idk which one yet

orange zoos
other various zoos
pulsing xenia
discoma mushrooms
some kind of brain (maybe)
and probably some others but idk what kinds

Pistol shrimp (idk what kind)
3 reef hermits
maybe some snails
is this a possible fish/coral/invert list that i could have in my tank 2.5 gallon regular not the minibow


Bonebrake- i know dude i downloaded that thing like 2 days ago its awesome that is one sweet tank


Active Member
No doubt man! I cannot believe he keeps it topless, I would be afraid my mantis would jump ship.


Active Member
thats a pretty cool tank. yea so a 2.5 nano probably no fish. maybe a clown goby would be good.


What you could do to keep the water qulity would be hook-up a refugium so that the water would fluctuate less and be a little easier to keep. i had a 2.5 gallon hooked up to a 5 gallon refugium and it ahs been one of my favorite tanks if you can get it up and running reliably it will be very rewarding


Active Member
I would not be afraid to keep a fish in a tank of that size. I have lots of pico tanks no larger than 2 gal in size with quite a few 1 gal or 1.5 gal and all but one have a fish in them. I fyou have a hob type fuge/filter setup like an AC30 or bigger its not a problem, and if your dedicated to water changes it should not be a problem. I normally keep neon gobies in the smaller tanks, but have a firefish in one as well.......they all do just to corals i can keep just about anything except that which needs mh type you can indeed make a pretty diverse system with lots of life and a fish.......The clown goby is a good choice as well for a small tank.......


ok cool my lfs had 4 yellow clown gobies there last night and i bought this elite filter/air pump so i have good water flow so the corals should be fine and for lighting i might have to order it because i cant find another 10 watt so idk would 10 watts be fine for while or no???


New Member
Originally Posted by cZoNe13
ok cool my lfs had 4 yellow clown gobies there last night and i bought this elite filter/air pump so i have good water flow so the corals should be fine and for lighting i might have to order it because i cant find another 10 watt so idk would 10 watts be fine for while or no???
10 watts of what? what K? what kind of bulb?
A 2.5g isnt big enough for any fish


if u followed the thread maybe u would know but i have a whole new list and they dont include fish im just putting a coral banded shrimp in there and the lighting will be a 20 watt PC bulb and corals..., mushrooms, zoos, GSP, torch coral


the coral banded is going to get like the size of that tank your getting lol.why not just coral and some kind of cool small shrimp.


you could get a peacock mantis shrimp they are so sweet mine is only like 2" and he would be fine in a pico tank because they just make a burrow and stick around it anyway