bought the blue throat today


Active Member
here are some update pics. he does not like to pose for me, but here are my attempts to get some pics. the 2nd pic has become his favorite spot. he has also started eating off the algae sheets for the tangs



Just a personal opinion but I wouldn't feed my fish NLS or any other kind of pellets. Processed food is not as good as fresh/frozen with vitamins. I never feed pellets, always meaty food like shrimp, squid, clams or frozen like Formula 1, emerald diet, angelfish diet and I haven't had a fish die in over 2 years and they're all healthy and fat. Pellets and flakes are for guppies.


Active Member
For NLS, limited/partial use in feedings can really only be beneficial. The more variety, the better I always say. However some of the claims made my NLS, such as to use the product as the only food source, I disagree with.
As anyone seen the video produced by NLS? They make some very bold claims, such as keeping a number of angels/predators on exclusively NLS for many years. Also they nourished a sickly Moorish Idol to health in about 2 months feeding only NLS.
As for the trigger being pinched at the top, after at least a year of strong feedings, my Lei trigger still is pinched. It's very easy for triggers to lose the fat storage, but seems like it will take an eternity to put back on. I noticed many triggers kept by 'good' fishkeepers have the pinch as well.


I bought a blue throat in December of 08. he had the blue markings on his chin, but after a few months he lost it. he turned into a female. i was disappointed cause i like the blue marking, but she is one of my favorite fish. triggers are the best.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
As anyone seen the video produced by NLS? They make some very bold claims, such as keeping a number of angels/predators on exclusively NLS for many years. Also they nourished a sickly Moorish Idol to health in about 2 months feeding only NLS.
I imagine you can keep the angels/predators on NLS for a few years no problem. Just like you can feed a person exclusively McDonalds hamburgers for many many years and they'll still be alive. How healthy they'll be is another question.

crypt keeper

Active Member
actually if somebody ate mcds hamburger as their only food source they would die with in 6 months. Id put money on it.
Did you ever see Super Size me? That dude ate it for a month and almost died. He was all messed up. gained a serious amount of weight. Gained inches on his stomach. tart to get pimples. Couldnt get an erection. His doctor told him to stop before the 30 days was up or he would have serious issues.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I imagine you can keep the angels/predators on NLS for a few years no problem. Just like you can feed a person exclusively McDonalds hamburgers for many many years and they'll still be alive. How healthy they'll be is another question.
Here's the vid from NLS site.
They make some very, very bold claims. They're not just some angels/predators, they're Blue Spotted Angels, Regal Angels, Butterflyfish, and even Moorish Idols, which sometimes even under professional/good hobbyist care, who feed varied diets, died well within a year in most cases. I think it's the Idol that they get back to health in 30days that gets me. When the 240 is up, I am planning on trying a Moorish, based on my successes with my Rock Beauty and Butterflies I've kept before.
I still don't see the reason to feed NLS exclusively like they want, but if I go through with one, he definitely will be getting some NLS daily.
Originally Posted by crypt keeper

actually if somebody ate mcds hamburger as their only food source they would die with in 6 months. Id put money on it.
Did you ever see Super Size me? That dude ate it for a month and almost died. He was all messed up. gained a serious amount of weight. Gained inches on his stomach. tart to get pimples. Couldnt get an erection. His doctor told him to stop before the 30 days was up or he would have serious issues.
Our bodies are pretty incredible machines, and I think that his diet, previous to the McDonalds challenge, had almost everything to do with it. He wasn't a vegetarian, but his girlfriend was, and he said he hadn't eaten meat very much. Some of vegans will have a stomach reaction to eating a salad that has beef broth in it. Meanwhile, I can go out and eat a 20oz steak, and not feel a thing (other then full). It's just our body's great ability to adapt to the crap we stuff in it. Had Spurlock been at least 'normal,' or someone who routinely eats bad food, the results would be much different.


Active Member
compare the pinch from the 1st pic to the new pic. he is def. starting to look fatter. when I first brought him home I was a little worried about it


I did try the NLS pellets in the past. Everyone was talking about it, I thought I'd give it a shot. I remember some of my fish didn't like it at all. Like my queen angel and naso tang wouldn't even touch it. My foxface loved it and the triggers were ok with it.