Active Member
Originally Posted by alexmir
heres what i say happened...........The guy at the store either accidently ripped/cut the top off. then either glued it back on, or tried to get it to reattach, then figured he might as well sell it before it dies. The crown and the trunk part of leathers are connected and would not seperate by itself(IMO)and if it did, it would happen over time, not all of a sudden
but yes, the leather can still live after being cut in half, and the polyps may still extend.
Guessing some type of fragging inexperience as well. For the toadstool to be that big in diameter, it should have had a taller stalk then it did.
Just separate the two pieces and hopefully you'll end up with two toadstools!
heres what i say happened...........The guy at the store either accidently ripped/cut the top off. then either glued it back on, or tried to get it to reattach, then figured he might as well sell it before it dies. The crown and the trunk part of leathers are connected and would not seperate by itself(IMO)and if it did, it would happen over time, not all of a sudden

but yes, the leather can still live after being cut in half, and the polyps may still extend.

Guessing some type of fragging inexperience as well. For the toadstool to be that big in diameter, it should have had a taller stalk then it did.
Just separate the two pieces and hopefully you'll end up with two toadstools!