bought tunze 9010-right choice?


New Member
Will be used in tank on my 75g FOWLR. Excited but spent alot more than I wanted to
, bought it over the remora pro and bermuda rogue, tell me I made a good decision, my fiance will choke me for spending this much, but if she sees everybody saying how important this thing is it will help! Remember my life is at stake here!


Active Member
you made the right choice... you really cant go wrong with tunze... they make great stuff but you do pay for it... ( they arnt the best bang for the buck type thing.. they are worth as much as you pay for them)


Active Member
Hahah you fell for the oldest trick in the book.
That is the discontinued model because of so many compalaints they were getting on it for "shock hazzards" they went clearance for about 12 dollars from the factory several weeks ago. Many shops stocked up and tried to sell them to newbies who didnt know any better.........
I'M KIDDING!!!!!!! it is a great unit. Tunze makes some of the absolutle best equip out there right now. Definatley should see great performance out of it. They are expensive, but top notch all the way around..
Sorry for the heart attack but couldnt resist.


Active Member
I dont have one but have been thinking about getting one because of all the good reviews I have been reading. You made an even better choice going with the 9010 over the 9005. I am considering the tunze because I can only have a small footprint in my fuge.


Active Member
I have been using one on my 105 for a little over a month. Love it so far. Good design but I am a little leary of the build quality. I would definatly not be rough when handling it but there is no reason they shouldnt last a long time.