Bow Tank Pics....


New Member

Originally posted by Sparky0028
Great tank Mike
What lights are you using, everything has great color, what kind of filtration do you have and how long has it been running. I have this green alage that I can not get ride of any suggestion?

Thanks for the compliment. Right now I have 1 x 65w 10,00k and 3 x 65w actinic power compacts. I've been thinking about getting MH lighting, but I haven't found a system that will work with the canopy I have. The tank's in our living room and cosmetically it has to look good or the wife won't allow it. As for the algae, do you have a good cleanup crew? I had a small outbreak of cyano and used chemi-clean to get rid of it. It worked great, but I don't know if iit works on other algaes.
Originally posted by soccer4life94

I agree...that looks great! Im lookin at a 72g bow. What are the dimensions of your tank?

Thanks. I think the measurements are 48x30x18, but don't know for sure. Can't find my tape measure at the moment to know for sure.