bowfront const.


You people have been great, here is a picture of the bar almost complete. I do have a question--I am having trouble with a lime green algae covering the rocks and large fake coral, the tanks is 5 1/2 months old. Will this alage cycle out, phosphate is .25, ph 8.4, sg 1.025, nitrites .1, nitrates 15 and calcium at 580- I know this is high and I am not dosing.


The front of the curved ares was constructed using 1/2" MDF (medium density board) with cuts on the back side every 1 " and 3/8" deep. On the sharp bends I made the cuts every 1/2". We then use oak veneer and glued it to the front. If you look closely at the original photos you can see the cuts.


I didn't read the thread but very sweet set up sparky. I think what also would have been cool is maybe a 10"wide(or whatever) acrylic peice built into your counter top that follows the curves of your counter. Just to beable to look down into the tank.,