Box Fish/ Cow fish


Any one have experience with these? We went to the LFS yesterday and saw a bunch of tiny ones! My husband wants one so bad. But I am not sure if they are hard to take care of. We some some smaller than a dime! They are so hilarious to watch scooting around.
I have 2 percs, and to firefish. Any danger in me buying 1 or 2 tiny box fish (they are cowfish without the horns)? I am afraid the other fish will eat them- they look like fish mcnuggets!


Active Member
Boxfish are pretty darn cute! Unfortunately, they have the potential to poison your entire tank if they get stressed. I believe they also tend to be slower eaters which may mean having to send in their food on a stick.
If you'd still like to consider one, I'd be sure to watch them feed at the LFS to make sure they eat.


Active Member
I had a baby cowfish awhile back when I had my 150 set up. The fish looked healthy and was a great eater at the LFS. When I put the cowfish into my display, I discovered that I had to feed all of the fish at one end of the tank, and coax the cowfish to the other end for its feeding, as it was too slow and clumsy of a swimmer to compete for food.
I mentioned that the cowfish was a weak swimmer. The tank it was in only had two powerheads, both with prefilters attached, and once or twice a week I would wake up and see the fish attached to one of the powerheads. The fish got stuck one too many times, and I found it dead and attached to the powerhead one morning. Fortunately, it didn't release its toxin, but that will be the last time I keep one of these fish.


I guess I am in the minority on this one. I have a 90 gallon FOWLR. When I first set up my tank, 6 years ago, I one of the first fish I kept was a long horned cow fish and a yellow box fish. I loved these guys. I also had a jawfish, coral beauty and a flame angel, along with a flame hawk. They did extremely well together. Maybe because I didn't know that I needed powerheads in the tank, I only had the return coming in. After having them for over a year, I listened to someone I shouldn't have and added a trigger.....the end to my peaceful tank...I think you definitely need a quieter tank for them. That's my 2 cents for what it's worth...I'm not an expert.


i've had my yellow box for a year or so now...the posioning isn't very common at all, usually its the blue box that has a tendency to do that. i never had the problem with the powerheads but you will need a large tank for an adult. mines about 6" now and still growing. very fun fish...lets me pet him and will spit water out of the tank
here's a pic
I may be wrong, but I had a supply catalog that sold protective-covers for the powerheads, so fish would not get sucked-in. Anyway, just a thought, in case you are worried about the powerheads.


Active Member
Do all of them release toxins when stressed? How big do they get? I saw one at the LFS and it's so cool! Would they work in a reef tank with tangs? Yes, no?


Active Member
The tangs are VERY active feeders. Would this be a problem?
However, I do use a baster to feed the fish, so the corals and other creatures get food, too. Basically, the food is all over, and not just in one place, so everything gets a chance before the tangs eat it all...


i have two large tangs in with my box and feeding is not a problem. however mine is a good sized box...i don;t know how one of those very small boxes (1/2"-1") would do in a tank with tangs


this is an awesome picture fishtanker! I can't believe how big he is! the ones I saw were no bigger than a dime! Hmmm... maybe I've changed my mind again...


Active Member
lets just say you need bang's lagoon to keep one of these. well not that big. when full grown they can reach approx. 18in:eek: :scared: . and they need atleast a 150